
What my child should call 2nd mother in my life

Hi - looking for some suggestions for names.  My mother passed away 4 years ago, prior to and now in her absence, one of her best friends has always been like a 2nd mother especially in the last 4 years.  She was very active in my wedding a year ago and has stood by my side thus far in our pregnancy.  I would like to have a special name that my child calls her besides - just her first name - which is Ann.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks! Jeanne

Re: What my child should call 2nd mother in my life

  • aunt ann, gran, mimi.
  • My MIL's friend is raising her grand daughter and she goes by "Granny Annie" which I think is totally adorable.
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  • Yes, ask her. You may find though that your DC will name her for you. DS has always called my dad Papa. We never called him that, but that is what DS somehow came up with and it stuck.

  • I agree with PP. Ask her what she would like to be called. All of my children's grandparents came up with their own grandparent names.
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  • Kimbus22 said:
    You could just wait and let the kid pick a name.  My mom's best friend (who is a second mom to me) is Nana FN.  But my kid started calling my mom Bogma on his own.  She loves it because he picked it for her.

    I love it because it makes her sound like a creature from the bog.
    Letting kids pick the name is the best way to go because it's special and sometimes really unique (LOVE Bogma!)  My kid calls my ILs Bammy and Bampy, of his own choosing and they love it :)
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • My parents had good friends (who were elderly) and we call them grandma and grandpa FN. Are you worried about using the name grandma bc you're afraid you'll confuse your LO? Or are you worried your LO will not ever know your mom and you don't want to replace her?? I wouldn't worry about either of those things. It's awesome to have that extra love from people as a child and if your mom's friend is comfortable with grandma, Mimi, granny, whatever, I think it can only be a god thing :)
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  • I feel that's the kind of thing you just let flow by itself.
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