This is more of a silly vent than anything but it's left me a bit flustered.
When my mom is working or OOT I have to take both kids with me to drop off and pick up DS1. I have to get them both out of the car, carry DS2 and take DS1 into the classroom in his stroller. For pick up, I have to take DS2 into the school and wait in the gym for the teachers to bring DS1 out to me then push him in the stroller out to the car. DS2 also has special needs (same issues, hypertonia, cognitive delay, non ambulatory).
DS1 goes to school 5x/week from 12:30-3.
What time would you drop him off at school?
I try to be 5 minutes early to everything so that I have a few minutes of leeway if something happens.
However, if I get him to school at 12:28 they make me wait in the lobby because it's too early to take him into class. When I get him there at 12:33 I was chastised because he was LATE and the PT was waiting for him.
Is this typical that the has to be at school at EXACTLY 12:30, not a minute early, not a minute late? (It happened to my mom today, she did drop off and got there at 12:28 and had to wait in the lobby until 12:30)
Re: WWYD? Timing school drop off question...
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
DS 09/2008