
How would you feel about this?

We are currently researching agencies.

One agency we are looking at has been doing IA for over 20 years and has just started a DIA program. They have been doing crisis pregnancy counseling for a while now but have just started facilitating their own domestic adoptions as opposed to referring clients to another agency.

If we went with them, we would be one of the first in their DIA program. I realize that carries some risks, but so far I really like them. Of the 3 agencies we've contacted, they are the only ones who have personally called and emailed us (as opposed to sending form letters) and overall seem very personable and responsive. I guess you could just say I have a good "vibe" about them.

We are still doing more research and aren't looking to make a decision for a few months. What do you think of working with an agency when their DIA program is so new? Just trying to get some input.

Started TTC July 2012. Missed m/c & d&c 9/12 11w. Natural m/c 1/13 6w. Chemical pgs 3/13 & 8/13 around 4w. Currently TTA while saving for adoption.

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” -Helen Keller

Re: How would you feel about this?

  • I'm not sure that would bother me. I chose my attorney for the same reason you want to choose this agency. She personally called me back and answered all the questions I had prior to having me as a client. I think it's important that you feel like a person, not just another case.
    Blessed with 2 amazing little boys. One grew in my tummy and the other my heart.

    06/30/10 my 1st son was born on my birthday. 
    TTC #2 since 05/2011 BFP- Feb 2012, EDD- 11/01/12, m/c- 03/05/12 @ 5w+4d 
    12/20/13 my 2nd son was born and placed in my arms.
    Surprise BFP- Nov 2014, EDD- 8/06/215, mc 12/24/2015 @ 8w+6d
    SURPRISE - BFP- 4/8/2105

  • Skye412 said:

    My only concern would be making sure that they have the network to attract pregnant women looking to make adoption plans. Obviously, word of mouth, hospital doctor/ referrals, and advertising are a big part of that. An agency with more experience will have more word of mouth and, if they are reputable, would be thought of in last-minute (i.e. hospital) placement situations.
    This is one of my biggest concerns as well. I am talking with the director of DIA (I have only talked to a general contact person so far) and I plan to bring this up.

    Started TTC July 2012. Missed m/c & d&c 9/12 11w. Natural m/c 1/13 6w. Chemical pgs 3/13 & 8/13 around 4w. Currently TTA while saving for adoption.

    “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” -Helen Keller
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  • It wouldn't necessarily bother me.

    We had sort of the opposite situation. Our agency had recently closed their IA program and was shifting all their focus to DIA when we signed with them. There were some negative reviews on them, I think mostly from people who decided to shift from IA to DIA and felt there was a bottleneck. But we had a great experience with our agency, and really clicked with them.


  • I think it's kind of exciting! They have something to "prove" being so new. It seems like they would work harder to make your experience pleasant since their so new to the process. Sounds like an interesting opportunity. I think they would also probably be more apt to respond positively to suggestions and keep you more in the loop.
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  • My main concern would be if they know what they are doing, legally. Adoption is a very intricate area with different laws in every state, so I'd want to know who has provided legal consultation to them. I'd say if you look into it and still have a good feeling, them being new to the arena isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    This would be a big concern with me as well. TPR issues, ICWA, interstate adoption issues, legal issues with birth parent support, these are all extremely complex and vary widely so I would really want to know that they had solid counsel helping them navigate this.

    Also, I would be very curious about what kind of support, counseling and services they could offer expectant parents, and how I could be reasonably sure that expectant parents would be treated ethically ad with respect. One of the big differences in IA an DIA is that they have not likely had experience in working with expectant parents considering adoption. Because the ethical and respectful treatment of expectant parents was one of our primary concerns when we were looking at agencies, this situation would have probably made me pause and at the very least ask a lot more questions.

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  • Thanks for all your input everyone. I am looking forward to talking more with this particular agency and your suggestions have given me some ideas of what to bring up.

    Started TTC July 2012. Missed m/c & d&c 9/12 11w. Natural m/c 1/13 6w. Chemical pgs 3/13 & 8/13 around 4w. Currently TTA while saving for adoption.

    “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” -Helen Keller
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