I'm currently 29 weeks and over the weekend have felt what feels like a bit of a drop in my belly (which frankly has helped a bit with breathing/heartburn, but I have apparently traded it for some stabby pains in my pelvic area - almost like the muscles where my legs meet my torso on the inside of my legs are sore...and the lower back pain is through the roof. The girls are still VERY active and I've been having some BH contractions (feels like when they're more active I have more BH contractions). I just had my docs appointment on Friday and all was well. Is this normal? It seems kind of early to have 'dropped'? Just curious, I would ask my singleton preggo friends but found out long ago that there pregnancies are on a whole different playing field from carrying these two baby girls!. When did your babies drop? Did it result in pelvic pain and really slow walking (I'm moving like a snail)?
Re: Lightening Already? Pain in Pelvis.....