Baby Names

Twilight may have ruined out favorite name.

My dad's middle name is Edward and have always loved it and all the nick names that go with it. My husband loves it too. But is it too popular these days???
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Married Rob May 23rd 2008
* Munchkin due May 5th 2014 * Getting back on the waiting list for domestic infant adoption May 2015 * Apparently May is our month!

Re: Twilight may have ruined out favorite name.

  • Not that popular and I certainly don't immediately associate a classic name like Edward (or Jacob, or Bella or Esme) with Twilight.

  • That makes me feel better. Plus I looked it up. It seems to be the least popular of the twilight names :)
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Married Rob May 23rd 2008
    * Munchkin due May 5th 2014 * Getting back on the waiting list for domestic infant adoption May 2015 * Apparently May is our month!
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  • Use it, it's a great name. People may rarely say "oh like from twilight" and you just have to respond with "no it's a family name". That would be the end of it. :)
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  • I would never even think of Twilight


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    Beautiful baby girl born 11.24.14

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  • Use it. Our kids won't even know about Twilight. I love Edward!
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  • Not that popular and I certainly don't immediately associate a classic name like Edward (or Jacob, or Bella or Esme) with Twilight.

    This. Edward and Jacob are two well established for me to associate with Twilight. Esme I do associate with Twilight, because it was the first time I had exposure to the name. Bella I associate to some extent, on part because the books/movies happened at the same time as the Bella (and all other -ella's) name explosion
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  • It's a great name, like PP said just say it's a family name if anyone asks about the "shall not be named" franchise :)
    ~Married 12.09.12~
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  • Thanks everyone!!! So happy to have the name back!!!!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Married Rob May 23rd 2008
    * Munchkin due May 5th 2014 * Getting back on the waiting list for domestic infant adoption May 2015 * Apparently May is our month!
  • You're fine its too classic for that one movie/book to effect it plus that craze is ending/ended. Esme would be a different story in my mind, but not Edward.
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  • Use it. Twilight will lose its popularity over the years. Can you even name a popular book/movie series (more specifically... characters names) that was popular 10 years ago? (If you can, you rock! Haha)

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  • I think it's fine
    "Bedo" - Apr. 16, '13

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    15, '14
  • Dude, it's not 2008. Use the name! It's awesome!
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  • Agree with pps. I associate it more with Jane Austen characters ;)
  • It's my dad's name, too.  I don't think many people are intentionally naming their child Edward because of Twilight, though....
    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

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  • LouRN09 said:
    Use it. Twilight will lose its popularity over the years. Can you even name a popular book/movie series (more specifically... characters names) that was popular 10 years ago? (If you can, you rock! Haha)
    Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, X-Men, Spiderman, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Titanic, Pirates of the Caribbean... 

    The "Twilight phenomenon" (wow I hate that phrase) was around the same level of popularity as those, which all came out 10-ish years ago. I still remember the character names from those shows.10-20 years from now, teenage girls likely will still be reading and watching Twilight, but I doubt people would comment on a person's name being from a pop culture series unless it's a very unique name (Buffy, Frodo, Hermione, Renesmee, etc). Names like Edward are so classic that they have hundreds of associations.

    OP, use Edward. :)
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  • I don't think twilight when I think Edward. The girls name is way more popular
  • Yeah, my daughter's name is Rosalie. That's in Twilight as well (admittedly I did get the idea from the books, it never occurred to me before then). Nobody asks me if her name is from that god awful franchise.
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  • Edward and Jacob were classic/popular pre-Twilight (also Alice, which I only know is a Twilight name b/c people have asked about it here). 

    I do tend to think any Bellas of a certain age are Twilight babies though, because you didn't hear it as much before.  (Which is a shame b/c I love Isobel, but there are so many variants out there now, I feel like she'd be one of 5 in her class, albeit with a diff spelling)

    Rosalie and Esme I don't associate with Twilight b/c I didn't read the books, and I don't remember seeing the names on commercials and t-shirts and whatever.
  • Ugh, please stop giving Twilight so much "power." Edward is a classic name. It does not belong to Twilight. Twilight isn't nearly as popular or classic or enduring as say, Pride & Prejudice, and yet we don't shrink away from naming a girl Elizabeth because of Elizabeth Bennett do we?

    All this to say, no... Edward isn't too popular or ruined by this silly book series. :)

  • Too traditional to be associated with the books. Go for it!

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  • I think Edward is fine :). Just don't give him a middle name of Cullen.
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  • Use it! Edward is a great, classic name.
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  • If you named your child this a few years ago, I would have thought Twilight. However, not anymore.

    Now it is Hunger Games.

    By the time you are ready to deliver, (assuming it is a boy), it will be at the earliest almost a year from now. Which is more time for Twilight to get out of our heads
    Don't forget GOT. There was like 180 or 130 little girls named Khaleesi last year.
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