
Pregnant & TTC After a Preemie Check In 10/04/13

Welcome to the check in group for Pregnant After Preemie! This group is also for those who are actively trying to conceive, planning on it, or just thinking about it...

So, list your first name, due date if you're pregnant or ttc timeline, preemie's name and gestational age at birth as well as the reason for their prematurity.


Last week Updates:

vsalt31: just hit 28 weeks and next milestone would be 30 weeks! Glad to know that LO is staying put!

megs2011: joining the planning on TTC group; planning on starting TTC early next year

SweatPeaKate: 23 weeks and everything is good! blood pressure is stable and other labs are normal; U/S with MFM to recheck uterine arteries and fetal growth-how did that go?

ShannonSky: has made a goal of April 7th which would put her twins at 36 weeks; happy about her babies being due in spring instead of fall which would mean less worry about cold and flu season

MrsLaurenandDan: LO is a boy! After US, doc was worried about the size of brain ventricles so they have to wait a week and go back to find out more; If they are enlarged, she would most likely have a RCS before 38 weeks and NICU time; please keep her in your thoughts and prayers

***I would just like to add that it would be nice to hear from everyone on a more consistent basis even if there is no news to share. We would all love to hear that everyone is doing well! So, just for fun, I am adding a QOTW***

QOTW: Team Green? Blue or Pink? Names?


airsica: DD1&2 born at 28 weeks; DS due Dec 2013

Bookywormone: DD born at 33w5d due to pre-e; Baby #2 EDD 12/12/13

hjweber- DD Hannah born 34w5d due to spontaneous PTL; Baby #2 EDD 12/20/2013

vsalt31: DS Henry born at 31 3d due to unexplained prom; Baby #2 EDD 12/24/2013

SweetPeaKate: DS Liam born at 30 weeks due to HELLP; Baby #2 EDD 01/2014

GirlyGirl319, Danielle-DS was born at 33w4d due to infection in placenta; Baby #2 EDD 02/12/14

Alphaphi98: DD Madeline born at 32 weeks due to unexplained pPROM; Baby #2 EDD 02/24/14

MrsLaurenandDan: Lauren; DS born at 33w5d due to irritable uterus and positive fFN-Procardia caused him to go in distress and delivered via CS; Baby #2 EDD 3/11/2014

sabs0629: Sabrina-DS Noah was born at 28 weeks due to unexplained PTL; Baby #2 EDD 3/28/14

ShannonSky, Shannon - DD Ellie, born at 33 weeks due to pPROM; DD2 born full term;Baby #3 EDD 05/05/14

MinaE01: DS born at 32w3d due to spontaneous PTL; Baby #2 EDD 5/17/14


takmjs: DD was born at 30 weeks due to my bicornuate uterus, incompetent cervix, and PTL

gwapes: Lauren; DS Benjamin born born at 34w5d due to PTL

monkey1988: DD born at 23w6d due to placental abruption; officially TTC Aug 2013

jullybean: DD was born at 29 weeks due to IUGR; officially off BCP July 2013

CTBride79: DS Gavin born at weeks due to IUGR and pre-e; officially off BCP July 2013

Babymaxwell513: DS born at 30 weeks due to IC; start TTC summer of 2014

KettBride: DS born 32w5d cause unknown; TTC baby #2 since May 26, 2013 

michelleigh24, Michelle TTC since 11/2/12, Jasper born at 36 weeks, due to short cervix, heavy bleeding through out pregnancy.

*Sweet Pea*, Jamie - DD Skylar, born at 29 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP

Thinking about/Planning on TTCing:

megs2011: DD1 and DD2 born at 34 weeks due to pree, HELLP, and IUGR

aquariogirl: my DS was born at 31 weeks on due to severe and sudden pre-e onset

pinotgirl: DD born at 32 weeks due to asymmetrical IUGR which was caused by velementous cord insertion

PhillyGal34: DS Evan born at 31 weeks due to severe pree

lolen88, Lauren - DS Tanner, born at 32 weeks due to unknown causes

OscarQ- Alison, TTC in 2012, DS Kevin born at 26 weeks due to pre-e.

GLGB- DS was born at 33 weeks due to unexplained preterm labor

nayandjosh- Renee- DS, Christian, born at 27 weeks due to abruption, TTC fall 2012

Mybb- DS born at 28w1d due to severe pre-eclampsia

APRILYN501- DD Kaylee born at 32 weeks 3 days after PROM

Ajgibson-Janeen, DD born at 25 weeks due to eclampsia. Pregnancy #2 ended in miscarriage

cfitz16, DS was born at 36 weeks due to pre-term labor. DD was born at 34 weeks when my water broke after being monitored closely, pelvic rest and progesterone shots.  

Mommies (again)!

CurlingRocks, DS was born at 31w 3d due to officially to PTL following pPROM at 28w, but mama was on SBR for 6 months due to SCH, FVL, and Placental Abruption at 13w 4d; DD was a MMC delivered at 18w due to septate uterus; DD born full term

adamnkel: DD born at 35 weeks due to pre-e; DD2 Madeline born full term

L&R70707: DS born 34w6days due to unexplained PTL; DD Elizabeth born full term

Sdtchica13, Carrie: DD Corrine Reese born at 29 weeks 6 days due to a placental abruption and pPROM; DS Gavin Lucas born full term

tlk432: Trish-DS born at 34w5d weeks due to pProm and IC; DS2 born full term

Punky917: DS Noah born at 26 weeks due to pPROM; DD Max born full term

TriciaandSean: DS Kieran born at 34w5d weeks PTL; DS Bryce born full term

BabyRolston1: Lindy:DD Natalie born at 29w5d due to pre-e, DS Zachary born full term

Mommy2CB, Kristin: DS born at 33 weeks 5 days due to PTL, DS2 born full term

komurphy: DS & DD born at 27 weeks; DS born at 31 weeks due to bulging membranes and threat of a prolapsed cord

jteneback: DD was born at 34w3d after pPROM; DS was born at 35 weeks

sucrets4, Danielle: DD Emmalynn born at 33 weeks due to pPROM, DD#2 born at 35w5d due to Pprom

kelly321: DD was born at 34w1d due to HELLP, DD#2 born full term

IncogNeato: DD born at 36 weeks due to PPROM, DD#2 born full term

light52: DS2 was born at 35w5d for no known reason, #3 born at 35w4d

ericalee27, Erica: DS Quinn born at 35w4d due to pre-e; DS born full term

eSynergy: DS was born at 36 weeks for unexplained reasons; DS born full term

Cara03, Cara: DS Jacob born at 24 weeks due to IC;  DS Lucas born at 36w2d

Angie637: DS Peyton born at 33 weeks due to pPROM. #2 and #3 born at 35w due to PPROM

Lucy460, Lucy: DS born at 35w4d due to HELLP, DD born at 36 weeks

Delphiaraven, Stacey: DS born at 34 weeks due to PROM, DS born full term

 Lili_h, Lili: DS Matthew born at 34 weeks 4 days due to PTL. DD born full term

Amercana- identical twin girls born at 34 weeks 5 days, DS born full term

Wally3, Eve- DS Johnny born 34w 3 days PROM, DS#2 born full term. 

MeNV-Mel, Phinny born @ 34 weeks after water broke due to large fibroids, DS#2 born at 34w.

Kadyra-DS born at 36 weeks due to severe IUGR, DS was born at 32 weeks

Damabo80- DD#1 born at 31w due to HELLP/pre-e. DS born full term

katieguth- DD Melanie born at 31 weeks due to Severe Pre-E. DS born 8/15/12.

nat6102006-first DD born at 32 weeks due to shortened cervix/unknown preterm labor; DS born full term!

crazyanimals- DS, born 30w 1 day due to PTL then PROM, DS #2 born full term!

SnowPea25 - DS Baby N, born at 32 weeks due to severe pre-e. DD Baby A born full term!

KatFco- Katrina, DD Abby, 23w6d, unknown reason, DS, born FULL TERM!

weezie825 - DD, born at 33 weeks due to pPROM, DS born full term!

IrishSapphire- DS Aidan born close to 31 weeks (was not given a reason for him coming early), DD Noelle Elizabeth born at 34 weeks 6 days

becketts - DD Norah, born at 34 weeks due to severe pre-e, DD#2 born at 35w due to IGUR

jcsntms06, Jen - DD Annabelle, born at 33 weeks due to pre-e, DD#2 born 34w due to PTL

jaxlynn - DD Leigh, born at 35 weeks due to HELLP, DS born full term

Kimberlyd546 - DS Alex, born at 34 weeks due to pre-e , DS born full term

faeriequeeneonwow, Melissa - DD Sophie Jean, born at 30 weeks due to non-immune fetal hydrops, low amniotic fluid, and pre-e, DS born full term 1/26/12

alaratta1-DD Sophia born at 31 weeks due to PTL. DS born full term on 1/6/12

beachykeen1723, Rachel - DS Cooper, born at 30 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP, DD born at 36 weeks

beyoga, Deidre - DS Reid, born at 24 weeks due to unkown causes, DD born full term

albertabride06 - DS Dylan, born at 32 weeks due to short cervix/PTL, DD born full term!

kar5162 - DS, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM, DD born full term!

mrsmikey, April - DS Eli, born at 32 weeks due to pPROM, DD born full term!

ijack, Ivory - DD Emma, born at 29 weeks due to placental abruption, DD #2 Quinn born full term!

njkaren, Karen - DS Brandon, born at 26 weeks due to fetal distress due to twin's loss at 20 weeks, DS #2 Wesley born full term!

LittleD8081 (formerly mrsfriend), Dawn Marie - DS Parker, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM, DS #2 Braden born full term!

justme04 - DS Ryker, born at 34 weeks due to severe pre-e and HELLP Syndrome, DS #2 Max born at full term!

lemen99, Kathy - DS Andrew, born at 26 weeks due to IC, DS #2 Elliott born at 35 weeks due to PTL and an unknown rash!

kamcfarlane, Kate - DS Ryan, born at 32 weeks due to placenta previa, DD Ellen born full term!

ctrickey03, Christina - DS #1 Michael, born full term, DS #2 Christian, born at 32 weeks due to polyhydraminos and IUGR, DS #3 Benjamin, born full term, DD Serenity born full term!

luvdv8 - DD, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM, DD #2 Elizabeth born full term!

Clotho!, Janet - DS Robbie, born at 34 weeks due to pre-e, DS #2 Simon, born at 34 weeks due to PIH and PTL, DS #3 Charles, born at 35 weeks due to PIH

mek10976, Megan - DS Simon, born at 32 weeks due to pre-e/pPROM, DS #2 born full term!

sweetpea18, Sara - DD Reese, born at 34 weeks due to pre-e, DD #2 Grier born full term!

magdalina.h, Maggie - angel baby Aidan, born at 28 weeks due to failed cord, DS #2 Lucas born full term!

Hailie, Meg - DS Nolan, born at 33 weeks due to pPROM, DD Maren born full term!

FemmeNat01, Natasha - DD Elena and DS Lucas, born at 33 weeks due to severe pre-e, DD#2 Alessandra born at 31 weeks due to HELLP/placental abruption

Gwenypher7, Jen - DD Abigail, born at 32 weeks due to HELLP/IUGR, DS Cullen born full term!

Heather1979, Heather - DD Olivia, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM/pre-e, DS George born full term!

Tierelieber, Stephanie - DD Charden, born at 30 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP, DD#2 Adrienne born full term!

IAM4UK - DD Katie, born at 33 weeks due to pre-e/IUGR, twins Abigail and Emily born full term!

Sweets2005, Katie - DD Abby and DS Brady, born at 32 weeks due to placenta previa/bleeding, DD #2 born full term!

mrssnflwr - DD born at 32 weeks due to unexplained PTL, DS born at 36 weeks!

ShanaNChris, Shana - DD Lily, born at 31 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP, DS Liam born full term!

Luvpinsanity, Ashley - DS Brennan, born at 35 weeks due to PTL, DD Addison born full term!

FaithRocks, Kelly - DS Trig, born at 32 weeks due to pre-e, PTL, and placental abruption, DS #2 Grayson born at 35 weeks!

Denesdia, Diane - DD Zoey, born at 25 weeks due to PTL, DS Ben born at 35 weeks!

sabloja - DS Hayden, born at 30 weeks due to pPROM, DD Madison born at 36 weeks!

RRHsMom - DS Ryan, born at 35-36 weeks, DD Meghan born full term!

msalinardi, Margot - DD Angelina, born at 26 weeks due to pre-e, DS Vincent born at 35 weeks due to pre-e, IUGR!

Aidge, Adrienne - DS Sam, born at 29 weeks, DS #2 Ben, born at 35 weeks!

mhop, Martha - DD Campbell, born at 27 weeks due to pre-e, DD #2 Maggie born full term

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Re: Pregnant & TTC After a Preemie Check In 10/04/13

  • How are our pregnant moms doing?

    We aren't TTC yet but I'll answer the qotd anyway. We were team green first time and will find out most likely this time. Dh wanted to know the first time but allowed the surprise for me but he gets to pick this time.

    Names will be a surprise when the baby is born. We already have a girl's name from last time. But we will need another boys name in case!

    Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    Hoping for a full 40 weeks!! 

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  • Hey! I'm doing well. 8 weeks and miserable, which is a good thing! Had a dating ultrasound on Thursday, and we were happy to see/hear a strong heart beat of 160. I measured one day ahead of where I thought, so new EDD is May 16th. OB said she'd be thrilled if I made it to May. I'm officially high-risk, and will make my first appt. with a high-risk OB around week 16 to start my Progesterone shots. Also, if I get anywhere near my due date, I will have a c/s due to a ridiculously small pelvis (It took 45 minutes and a small tear to deliver DS who was 4 lbs. 6 oz.!).

    We will be Team Green again this time. It was a bright spot during labor with DS. I was absolutely shocked when they pulled him out and he was a boy. It was awesome!

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  • Checking in.... Still hanging in there. Although, on Friday I was having contractions every 2 1/2 minutes for about 90 minutes. Last night, they were every 3 minutes. I never know when I should call or not. I feel like I would call everyday. I go in next on Thursday & I can't wait.
    And we are team green again. Names this time around are SO HARD!!! Any suggestions?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hi! May I join? TTCing, just had my IVF egg retrieval today. My twin girls were born in 2011 at 31w5d due to spontaneous labor (water broke)
    D (34), J (37) and T3 (ages 2, 2 and brand new)
    Nov '10: IVF#1: BFP! Girl. Missed m/c at 14 weeks. Devastated
    Apr '11: IVF#2: BFP! Twin Girls born on Dec 3, 2011 at 31w5d! One month in NICU.
    Oct '13: IVF#3: BFP! Girl born Jun 19, 2014 at 38w3d!
  • Just chugging along over here...

    QOTW: We were team green with baby #1 because I was very adamant about not finding out and DH loved it so much that this time around he insists that we remain Team Green with #2. While I was a little bummed at first, I'm now remembering the excitement that comes with Green status. :)

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Can I jump back in? Heather1979 pg with baby #3, im18 weeks 3days due 3/10/14.
  • And I'm waiting to hear from Mfm to schedule the big ultrasound to find out what team we are on. I've had some swelling in my head & rapid weight gain that ob thinks is water weight but I've had some drastic blood pressure fluctuations, so no meds yet. I have been discouraged from exercising & if I stick to 100oz of water a day I do notice I feel better & have less swelling. Fingers crossed that this is all I have to contend with!
  • Can I join? My water broke at 24 weeks and 2 days (pPROM). I'm now on 11th day in the hospital and expected to stay here until I reach 34 weeks. No contractions and LO is doing as well as can be expected. He's a great little fighter. He does have some fluid surrounding him so it's a good sign.

    I passed my glucose test today and the next big test is on Oct 17th to check LO's growth.
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