Baby Names

Toss, keep, suggest

It's a little slow here today, and I am always looking for inspiration.  This is my boy list.  What would you toss?  What would you keep?  What would you suggest?  I am sort of all over the place, style wise.








LN is 3 syllables, Spanish and ends in an EE sound.  So bla-bla-ee.



BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

Lilypie - (TUWi)


Re: Toss, keep, suggest

  • Henry-keep





    August-keep I love auggie nn

    Giancarlo-uhm keep its unique
  • I Love August. And my Spanish DH has a male cousin name Starling, like the bird. And no, he's never been teased for his name. but he has always been pretty buff :)
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  • I like August!
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    BFP #2 11/6/13 - EDD 7/14/14 - blighted ovum discovered @ 7w - natural m/c @ 10w3d

    BFP #3 5/25/14 - EDD 2/1/15 - Hoping this is our 2nd little owl Lilypie Maternity tickers

    A/S findings: Baby is a girl! EIF found on heart :( but maternit21 came back neg for chromosome disorders!!

  • It's a little slow here today, and I am always looking for inspiration.  This is my boy list.  What would you toss?  What would you keep?  What would you suggest?  I am sort of all over the place, style wise.

    Henry - Keep, but low on the list

    Sterling - Toss

    Dominic - Keep. Love this name

    Leonardo - Toss

    Robert - Toss

    August - Keep

    Giancarlo - Toss

    LN is 3 syllables, Spanish and ends in an EE sound.  So bla-bla-ee.


    Other options: Ian, Emmett, Lorenzo/Enzo, Rhys, Piers
  • It's a little slow here today, and I am always looking for inspiration.  This is my boy list.  What would you toss?  What would you keep?  What would you suggest?  I am sort of all over the place, style wise.

    Henry - Keep, but low on the list

    Sterling - Toss

    Dominic - Keep. Love this name

    Leonardo - Toss

    Robert - Toss

    August - Keep

    Giancarlo - Toss

    LN is 3 syllables, Spanish and ends in an EE sound.  So bla-bla-ee.


    Other options: Ian, Emmett, Lorenzo/Enzo, Rhys, Piers

    I really, really like Ian, but it's one of my brother's middle names.  Is that weird?


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • Henry -- keep

    Sterling -- keep, but with caution

    Dominic -- Italian names are nms, but this is the least Italian sounding, so keep

    Leonardo -- ditch

    Robert -- an old classic with great nn potential for boys of all ages: Robbie, Rob, Bob

    August -- trendy and effeminate

    Giancarlo -- WAY too Italian for me, but if you like it, keep it


    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
  • The only names I like are Dominic and August.
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  • It's a little slow here today, and I am always looking for inspiration.  This is my boy list.  What would you toss?  What would you keep?  What would you suggest?  I am sort of all over the place, style wise.

    Henry (keep)


    Dominic (keep, Love it!)

    Leonardo (keep, love the nn Leo!)

    Robert (meh, i guess toss but not a bad name)

    August (toss, not a fan of month names)

    Giancarlo (toss)

    LN is 3 syllables, Spanish and ends in an EE sound.  So bla-bla-ee.


    "I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass." Maya Angelou
    ~ Auntie to L: 2013 and Peanut: EDD 11/2014 ~

  • Henry    keep

    Sterling    toss

    Dominic    don't love it

    Leonardo   keep

    Robert    don't love it

    August     keep!

    Giancarlo   don't love it



    DS born Oct. '11

    TTC #2 with PCOS since Nov. '13

    Dx: Low Progesterone (3.3) on 8/12/14

    Waiting for RE appointment on 10/28/14

    Surprise BFP on cycle 12 -- 10/19/14!

    EDD July 1, 2015

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  • Henry dump.

    Sterling dump.

    Dominic keep love!

    Leonardo keep love!

    Robert dump

    August dump

    Giancarlo dump
    photo 203b9128-895f-464c-a378-ff73eaf8c1ce_zps4de57ab1.jpg
    Xander, Hayden & Lily 5 1/2 and Jericho 3 My Blog!
  • Henry - Ok

    Sterling - You know you HAVE to keep this one ;)

    Dominic - Love

    Leonardo - Love

    Robert - Ok

    August - Love

    Giancarlo - Don't like

  • Henry: Keep

    Sterling: Toss, but I do like John Sterling

    Dominic: Toss; I don't like with DD's name

    Leonardo: Toss, but I like just Leo

    Robert: Keep; Love the nn Bobby! 

    August: Keep

    Giancarlo: Toss

    Suggest: Harrison, Victor, Alexander, and Nathanial

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  • Keep Dominic and Robert
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  • Henry - LOVE

    Sterling - meh

    Dominic - love

    Leonardo - prefer Leo by itself, but Leonardo isn't bad

    Robert - meh, good solid name but a bit boring

    August - love

    Giancarlo - Good with your last name but I prefer your other options more

    image image
  • Henry/keep!


    Dominic/toss awaaayyyy


    Robert/toss. boring.

    August/LOVE!!! KEEP IT.



    VOTE on my Name List
  • It's a little slow here today, and I am always looking for inspiration.  This is my boy list.  What would you toss?  What would you keep?  What would you suggest?  I am sort of all over the place, style wise.

    Henry- keep

    Sterling - toss!!!

    Dominic- keep

    Leonardo-keep. I prefer just Leo


    August- keep

    Giancarlo- toss!!

    LN is 3 syllables, Spanish and ends in an EE sound.  So bla-bla-ee.


    <3 Delaney. 4.5.12. <3 <br> Photobucket
  • Toss Sterling. Love the rest of the list. My fave is August.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Toss- Sterling & Leonardo

    Love the rest.

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  • It's a little slow here today, and I am always looking for inspiration.  This is my boy list.  What would you toss?  What would you keep?  What would you suggest?  I am sort of all over the place, style wise.

    Henry - Love it! Keeper.

    Sterling - Rocking MN

    Dominic - I want to like it. It's a solid name, but not completely my style. Still, keep it.

    Leonardo - I usually prefer longer names, but Leo ardo is all DiCaprio/Da Vinci to me. I prefer just Leo.

    Robert - a bit vanilla, like it as a MN.

    August - Love it. The nn Gus is adorable. Keep it!

    Giancarlo - I don't really care for it.

    LN is 3 syllables, Spanish and ends in an EE sound.  So bla-bla-ee.


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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  • Keep Henry and Robert. Maybe Leonardo too. The others are NMS
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  • It's a little slow here today, and I am always looking for inspiration.  This is my boy list.  What would you toss?  What would you keep?  What would you suggest?  I am sort of all over the place, style wise.

    Henry                 Keep - but very very popular by me lately

    Sterling             Toss   - sounds pretentious to me

    Dominic               Keep

    Leonardo              Keep- love Leo

    Robert               Toss- unless you plan on calling him Bo for a nn   I heard that on TB for the first time and loved it

    August             Keep Love!

    Giancarlo         Toss

    LN is 3 syllables, Spanish and ends in an EE sound.  So bla-bla-ee.


  • Your list is similar to mine!

    Henry KEEP

    Sterling TOSS

    Dominic KEEP

    Leonardo KEEP

    Robert TOSS x 2

    August KEEP

    Giancarlo TOSS

    add Maximus, since we seem to have a similar style and that's my son!

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  • Henry----keeeeeep

    Sterling ---I'm leaning on keep. It's different, but not crazy.

    Dominic---Toss. I want to like it though.


    Robert---Keep as middle name maybe

    August---Toss. I know other pps love it.  It's just not my thing.

    Giancarlo---Keep. I'm not Italian and it would come across as weird for me to use it, but it's adorable otherwise.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • Henry - keep

    Sterling- toss

    Dominic - keep

    Leonardo - toss

    Robert - toss

    August - toss

    Giancarlo - toss

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Henry - keep

    Sterling - toss

    Dominic - keep

    Leonardo - keep

    Robert - keep

    August - keep (or Augustus?)

    Giancarlo - I'm torn, I wouldn't use it, but I do like it. 

    Suggestions: Thaddeus and Atticus

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