Baby Names

Changing my 2 week old's name

Ok, is this insane?

We are seriously contemplating changing my two week olds name. She just doesn't seem like a Violet to me. We never considered the name Lauren, but that's what she looks like.

Anyone know the hoops I would need to jump through to change it?

Should I bother? Do you like Lauren?
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Lost Lilah (Audra's twin) at 26 weeks. Cause unknown. Forever in our hearts

Re: Changing my 2 week old's name

  • Love Lauren!  I'm not sure that I would go through the hassle of a name change b/c I feel like my kids grow into their names.  I always felt like I hated the name right after they were born, but now I can picture nothing else.  If you feel strongly that she's a Lauren, and it's still early, go for it.  I'm assuming you'll need to pay for it and go do it at the courthouse or whatnot.  GL!

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  • If you think it's going to keep bothering you then do it. I prefer Lauren to Violet, anyway :) Do you have a mn? You could do Lauren Violet...
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  • If you really hate it then change it to Lauren. I personally love Violet, but if you feel it's not working then do what you think is best. 

    image image
  • I assume you filled out paperwork at the hospital to be submitted for a birth certificate? If so, just contact your state's vital records office and ask them what you need to do to change the name, but I agree do it sooner rather than later.
  • If you're going to do it, do it right away. She's several months away from learning her name yet, so now is the time.

    There was a poster here, @braveangel, who changed her name as an adult. She posted the information and steps that went into the legal process as an adult. If I have some time I'll see if I can scrounge one up for you; otherwise, it should be listed in the posts on her profile.

    All of that said, we didn't think DD2 looked like her name for probably two months. Now she couldn't be anything else. But it's up to you whether you like Violet enough to stick it out or not. You're her parents, and you know her best.

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  • Shoot, maybe she deleted her profile? Or did I type it wrong...? It might be @BraveAngel.

    @mjreilly, is that name change information by any chance on the FAQs page?

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  • NerdyLucyNerdyLucy member
    edited October 2013

    I think the steps vary a bit from state to state, but I'm pretty sure that you have to petition a name change through probate court.  I'd call the county clerk in your area and ask.  They should be able to direct you in the right direction.



    ETA:  From BabyCenter

    Although the requirements vary slightly by state, here's a basic list of the forms you'll be dealing with:

    • Petition for a name change
    • Court order approving your desired name change
    • Petition giving public notice of the name change
    • Final decree from the court authorizing the name change

    You'll need to sign these forms in front of a notary, also called a notary public. You can find notary services at Mailboxes Etc., UPS Store, and other retail shipping locations, or check your local yellow pages or search one of the many notary directories online. If you're working with a lawyer, she will have access to a notary.

    Be sure to make several copies of the documents for your own records and to use when you apply for a name change on your child's Social Security card and birth certificate.

    Along with completing the paperwork, you'll need to pay fees, which also vary by state and sometimes by county (for example, $65 in New York City and $150 in Alaska). If you can't afford these fees, most states have waivers you can apply for.

    Once you've filled out all the paperwork and paid the fees, you'll wait approximately one to two months to receive the court order approving the name change.




    ETA again: 

    Social Security Admin

    @jgengo0 See if your state is listed on the site right above this. I think it'll direct you to the appropriate site.

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  • PPs gave some good advice, I just wanted to say I am not in love with Lauren, but it's a nice name. And your children are gorgeous! GL with it!
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  • Joy2611 said:
    This is perhaps an odd suggestion.... but have you considered leaving her name as Violet but calling her Lauren as a petname/nickname?  I know, I know - that might be totally weird.

    I think either name is great.  Go with what you feel most comfortable with.

    Both your girls are gorgeous,  by the way.

    Actually, I nannied for a Jacqueline, her mom had a MAJOR freak out that people weren't pronouncing the "quell" enough and wanted to change her name. They tried Jem (her initials) for awhile but eventually Quinn stuck. I'm not even 100% sure she knows her full given name. 
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  • dreemkin84dreemkin84 member
    edited October 2013

    I agree that the first couple weeks with a new little one (especially if it's the first) is tough.  There was a lot of second guessing on a whole bunch of things with us.  We also didn't think our daughter looked or felt like her name.  Now, I can't imagine it as something else. I would wait a bit longer and see if you still don't like your original choice. There is still time before she's going to associate her name as her name.  FWIW, I like both Violet and Lauren but they do have a different 'feel' to them IMO. GL! Keep us updated!

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    A/S findings: Baby is a girl! EIF found on heart :( but maternit21 came back neg for chromosome disorders!!

  • Thanks for all of your advice and suggestions. I'm going to feel it out for a few more days then make a decision. With Audra that WAS her name. I couldn't imagine her as anything else. Maybe that's why I'm thrown off with violet. I will give it a little time!
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    Lost Lilah (Audra's twin) at 26 weeks. Cause unknown. Forever in our hearts
  • In my experience it took a little bit for the name to sink in after my LOs were born. With both the kids I could look at them and think of a bunch of different names they looked like. In the end we chose the names we did for a reason and that was that. My 2 year old I could not imagine being anything different. With my 5 week old she is looking and feeling more and more like her name everyday.

    If I were you I would give it a little more time and see if the name sinks in for you.

  • I love Lauren.



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  • I went through this too. I recommend trying the name out for a few days at home to see if it is the right fit or not. I wanted to switch DD's first and middle name, but after calling her by her middle name for a while, I realized her first name did suit her after all. Good luck!
  • I think you should make a date to decide by but call her Violet until then.

    Is your DH on board for the change?
  • If you really feel like you don't like it! I named my son something I don't love and now he's 4. I still get embarrassed when I have to tell people his name. We even left the hospital without naming him! I probably would have changed it but my husband and I agreed on NO boy names.
  • I definitely agree that you should wait a while to see if you really want to change it. I had so much anxiety after Basil was born, and second guessed so many things having to do with her, that now I look back and am very glad we didn't make any rash decisions during that time. I would wait a month or two, calling her Violet and see how you feel then. She won't know he name by two or three months old, so you could still change it without too much of an issue. FWIW, I think Violet is a beautiful name, and to me, she totally looks like a little Violet. But only you (and DH) know your baby enough to make a decision about her name.
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  • Your toddler is beautiful

    It's a BOY

  • I can understand this feeling. I felt this way when my son was born. I was so set on his name and then bam...I felt nothing for it (at first). It took me about a month but I finally decided that it did fit him. I don't think feeling this way is unusual.

    I would probably give it a few weeks.

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  • Some states you have up to a certain amount of time to change the name with out a bunch of hoopla.  I didn't like DD4s name after she was born and second guessed it for weeks.  Now I love the name we chose for her suits her well.

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                                 our 2 rainbow babies.

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  • I was a bit iffy about my sons name for the first month or two but it's definitely his now!
  • I would take a deep breath and try to tune into if you really do not like/ feel like the name Violet does not fit. 

    With DD, at 2 weeks in I was in the depths of PP craziness.  I would honestly wait it out.

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  • I know you have to fill out some forms in wi and take the paper to court to change a last name but idk about first names. My sisters friend named her son after the father and now he isn't around and the joy is 2, so she wants his last name to be hers.
  • Love Violet and Lauren. I don't think I could ever change my child's name after being born, but do what you gotta do!
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