Here is my dilemma:
Next semester from Jan to May it will be my last semester of school. I am due in April. I was entirely okay with that because my school offers online classes, and I can do them from home instead of missing a day here and there. So, on that end it was entirely worked out. The issue now is money.
From January to May we would have to pay about 1050 a month if I were to take my last 6 classes online. If I were to take let's say 5 in person and one online it would be about $847 a month, it's still a lot but it is still more doable. DH, mother in law, and my family think that is best if I just finish, but I keep thinking that no one is considering the money. I won't work from whenever I deliver for up to 3 months, which is what we can afford. At which point I would either find an entirely different job or the same job I have now (that's a adifferent story).
My idea was that perhaps it's wiser for me to take off the semester and use my paycheck to pay the little bit we have left of our debt and to throw it into our savings. My DH keeps saying that yes, we will be in debt and money will be tight if I stay in school, but he and mom and everyone else believe that school is an investment,so it's worth the debt. To me, I understand my side and theirs, and because I understand both sides I am not sure what to do.
If it helps - DH makes 40 thousand a year minus our insurance, and I get paid $15 an hour working about 32 hours a week.
Any opinions?
Re: Take a semester off or Finish? *Money*
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
1. Most schools MUST accommodate your pregnancy. If you decide to do in person studies, your professors will need to work with you. This means taking many assignments in advance/alternative assignments and/or accepting that once you have your baby, you will likely not return to class and they will need to accept what work is left via email. It also depends on your major... I had a friend who missed half a semester to deliver her son but I was an English major. Read books in advance, write papers. I saw that someone was a nursing major... no way you can miss the last month of your clinicals or whatnot! However, since you can take all of your classes online, I'd assume you could work something out.
Mommy by the Sea
Beautiful Baby Jackson born 8/25/2010
Met the LOML 11/05/2011
Expecting the LO 5/15/2014
Getting Married 10/19/2014