DD woke up this morning and went to lay on the couch. I told her it was time to come and eat, but she wouldn't come. I tried to carry her to the table, but she told me "no." So, I started to eat without her. That resulted in a huge tantrum, during which she kept asking me to carry her to the table. I told her that I tried to do that and she told me "no." Eventually, she came and ate.
Then, when we got to school she pitched a fit b/c I wouldn't let her close the car door (she usually likes to do this, but I forgot and did it myself). We were running late, so I apologized for forgetting and told her she could do it tomorrow. This set off an even bigger tantrum, and she refused to even walk in to school. I ended up literally dragging her in, kicking and screaming (all while holding my very heavy toddler!). Then she wanted to put her backpack up on the shelf, so I told her to do it but she just sat there screaming. We were really late by this time, so I had to take the backpack and put it up for her. I then walked her down the hall to chapel, again kicking and screaming. The teacher came out and took her in, and I left.
The other moms were staring me like they had never seen anything like this before (and I have not seen the other kids there do this), so I'm wondering if this is normal behavior for a 4-year old. DD did it sometimes when she was 3, but hasn't done it in a while.
Re: 4-year old tantrums - is this normal?