Pre-School and Daycare

4-year old tantrums - is this normal?

DD woke up this morning and went to lay on the couch. I told her it was time to come and eat, but she wouldn't come. I tried to carry her to the table, but she told me "no." So, I started to eat without her. That resulted in a huge tantrum, during which she kept asking me to carry her to the table. I told her that I tried to do that and she told me "no." Eventually, she came and ate.

Then, when we got to school she pitched a fit b/c I wouldn't let her close the car door (she usually likes to do this, but I forgot and did it myself). We were running late, so I apologized for forgetting and told her she could do it tomorrow. This set off an even bigger tantrum, and she refused to even walk in to school. I ended up literally dragging her in, kicking and screaming (all while holding my very heavy toddler!). Then she wanted to put her backpack up on the shelf, so I told her to do it but she just sat there screaming. We were really late by this time, so I had to take the backpack and put it up for her. I then walked her down the hall to chapel, again kicking and screaming. The teacher came out and took her in, and I left.

The other moms were staring me like they had never seen anything like this before (and I have not seen the other kids there do this), so I'm wondering if this is normal behavior for a 4-year old. DD did it sometimes when she was 3, but hasn't done it in a while.


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Re: 4-year old tantrums - is this normal?

  • Sure, it happens with my 4-year-old.  Definitely less often than at age 3, but it still happens.  Like Fred said it is more likely if she is tired or not feeling well, but sometimes it appears to be for no reason at all.  I think she likes to remind me from time to time that we are not out of the woods yet with this type of behavior.  :)
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  • While DD1's tantrums are SO much better now than they were even a few months ago, she does still pitch a fit on occasion. It's totally normal for this age.
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  • DD skipped the terrible 2's and 3's and saved it all up for 4. She throws herself on the floor on almost a daily basis, but I know it's b/c she is tired from giving up her nap at school.
  • Oh goodness this post and the responses have made me feel so much better. My 4 year old pitches a fit about something on a regular basis. Usually it is the days when she did not get a nap and had school all afternoon. 

    I keep waiting for a day when the fits subside but it seems like we go two good days and make up for it with a really good tantrum on the third. However, I am told she is great at school. So I guess it is a good thing she only really acts up with me. 
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  • groovygrlgroovygrl member
    edited October 2013
    Yes, I get regular morning 'tantrums' or meltdowns esp if they went to bed late or didn't sleep well, etc. DD will sit at the top of the stairs screaming for me to carry her down or DS will just whine/cry/etc throughout the entire breakfast about his food or his clothes or not wanting to go to school, etc..... so I don't know if it is normal w/ everyone but my kids definitely still do it regularly.  Though if it is still going on when we get to school, I don't typically get judgy looks, I get sympathetic- been there done that- looks and sometimes some help from other parents in the class (I frequently have one child who will walk right into class but the other will resist & stay in the hallway, etc)
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