Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Not so patiently waiting - any help would be appreciated

I'm 5w9d and am almost certain I'm going to miscarry. I had an ectopic November 2010 so when I had a positive HPT test, my obgyn sent me for blood work (that was last Thursday). Friday I had some light pink spotting so I called the doc again; he said he thinks it's going to be a miscarriage because my HCG levels are so low and sent me for blood work Saturday. I called again Monday and they had the results back and would call me to discus further. I received a call back from reception stating the doc wants me in Thursday (his first day back at the office) but nothing more. My spotting started to be red on Monday and is getting slowly, but surely, worse. I don't know what to expect...should it be taking this long? I know this is such a difficult topic, especially if you've recently gone through it, but if you could share experience so I know what's coming, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm just going to try and stay busy until my appointment tomorrow morning...TIA

Re: Not so patiently waiting - any help would be appreciated

  • I just went through a situation where I was initially told I would miscarry but ended up having emergency surgery to remove my right tube with the fetus inside. My doctor's office was nothing but amazing through the whole process. There was always a nurse and a doctor on call to answer question and discuss blood test results. I wish I could offer you some insight. I'm surprised that they had you get bloodwork done on Saturday and then wait almost a week for the results. You've had one ectopic, and from my experience with my recent one, that seems a bit careless for the doctor to do that after only two blood draws. What if something changed in that time? I would be calling and demanding to speak with someone to get answers or switch doctors. Thoughts and prayers for you. I'm so sorry that on top of a difficult time, your doctor is only making it worse. (((Hugs))) I hope you get your answers soon.
  • I'm sorry. I don't have experience with early, natural miscarriage, but I have heard that it can take some time. I had a m/mc and miscarried at nearly 14 weeks with medical intervention. 


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