Day 2. Identity: What is your child’s name? Why did you chose that name? What is the meaning of their name? If they were born, what were their birth details. What were their features? Who are they?
Day 2: Identity. Gary Bruce DeBlois III. He was named after his dad, and his dad's dad. These are the dog tags I had made for Gary for his first Father's Day.
Baby Gary looked just like his daddy, but had my nose. He was so sweet and gentle, even through my pregnancy. He never gave me the painful jabs dd did, just like kicks reminding me that he was still there. That's how I knew we had lost him... when those little kicks stopped. A had phantom movement for about six months after he was gone. It was like being an amputee. I knew he was gone but I still felt him so strongly. I often wonder if he would have been so sweet and gentle as he grew up. Love my boy.
Day 2: Identity. Domenik Rey. Born 9.9.13 @10:19pm, weighed 1lb 4oz. We chose his name because my fiancé wanted all his sons names to start with "D". I wanted my first son/daughter to have "Nik" in their names after the NY Knicks (basketball team, I'm a huge fan!) His middle name Rey, I chose it because I wanted him to have Spanish in his name. Rey means "king" in Spanish. Domenik means "lord", but I can't remember what language.
Domenik had his fathers body completely, long and skinny! He even had his face, but he had my nose and cheeks! Domenik was a good boy, he was good to me in utero. He occasionally gave me some back and leg pain, but most he just swam around. He really loves music, he would swim the most when I played music and danced.
Attached is his memorial shelf I have in my room. The painting I made myself, it's his full name and birthday. The teddy was given to him after birth. The picture is of his feet. There is a mold of his feet as well, and the hat he wore while in the hospital. His urn is next on the shelf, followed by a box full with pictures and his hospital bracelets. Sorry it's sideways!
Mary Glen She was born May 2, 2013 at 4:20 pm Weighing 14.67 oz and 11 in long. She had the cutest dimple chin and tons of dark hair. She was the sweetest thing. Her brother was always kicking her in my belly and she would just put her arms up to block her face. She was always so calm and never gave me by trouble. Love you, sweet girl!
Day 2: Elsie Irene Robinson. She was born at 7:14 on Dec 8th. She was 4lbs 10oz and 18in long.
Elsie means "My God is Bountiful". We chose the name as a promise for the future. We settled on it about a week before she was born. Irene means "peace". It was our prayer for what we needed. We desperately needed peace after losing her.
I always thought she would be the most gentle and sweet girl. Her pregnancy was super easy, no bad symptoms, easy birth, etc. She was gentle, very few jabs or things that would wake/keep me up at night. She was a daddy's girl. When he would talk to her, she would move over to the side his hand was on. I absolutely loved that.
She was born with DH's hair, long dark and curly. I was absolutely shocked to see all that hair. Her nose and mouth were mine, and one of each of her feet looked like each one of ours. Her limbs and fingers/toes were so long. I so wish I could have seen her eyes and looked into them just one time.
"Elsie Irene was born sleeping at 35w 6d on December 8, 2012. Mommy and Daddy miss you sweet girl."
2. Identity: Brooke Elizabeth. First name we liked and middle name is after my Mom. Brooke herself created a new meaning for her name. She was born 2/17/13 at 2:26am weighing 7lbs 13oz and was 20.5in long. Birth was uncomplicated, labored for 26 hours from the first contraction to when she was delivered with only 20 mins of pushing. Brooke has pretty slate grey eyes, cute dimples, full head of hair and infectious smile! She is the love of my life and I miss her everyday.
My baby's name is Bean. I had always called him Baby Bean from the beginning of the pregnancy. There is no meaning other than that is what came to my head in a very heart breaking situation.It just seemed right.
He had big feet and hands like both me and DH. I never got to feel him move that much, although according to the many radiologist he loved to roll.
Day 2 Identity- My sweet girl is named Bunny. We couldn't agree on a girl's name for the short time we knew Bunny was a girl. We had a really hard time naming her after her death because nothing seemed right...we finally decided on "Bunny" because we want to remember her as a sweet, innocent, playful little bunny. Consequently, we started seeing bunnies almost everyday in our neighborhood (the pic is from this morning!!!)...I may recycle this pic on "signs" day.
Sadly, I did not get to see my daughter after my surgery...her head was very enlarged and it was all really complicated and I wanted to remember her like I saw her on the US. She had super long legs just like her daddy and the sweetest profile. She was a bouncy little thing on the US's and kept laying her sweet little hands on her chest. I love you sweet girl.
8/12-Suprise BFP- Sweet Bunny Born Sleeping 11/21/12 (19 weeks)
-5/7/13- MMC (8 Weeks)
11/6/13- BO discovered at 7 weeks- natural MC 11/25/13
8/14- Surpise IF dx...low AMH (.24)- moving on to IVF
IVF #1- 11/14- 6R5M4F=2 perfect frosties
12/19/14- FET of 2 embabies = BFP!!! One Little Bean EDD: 9/3/15
Anastasia Maeve, March 2nd 2013 5lbs 11oz 18 1/2" long 36 weeks, 5 days Beautiful light brown hair, long fingers, Daddy's mouth and cheeks, Mommy's nose and face, flat butt and long fingers!
I almost always refer to Leah, Rachel and Gabriel as "the triplets" or "our babies" but because this is about their own unique identity, I'm going to talk about each one separately.
Leah Naomi - we chose Leah before we were pregnant (as we did with all their first names) we really liked the name. About a week before Leah was born we realized we hadn't found her a middle name. After reading through many names, we both noticed that multiple times our minds went back to Naomi.
Leah means "weary, tired" and Naomi means "pleasant, delightful".
Leah was born on May 27, 2013 at 5:52 am, weighing 1 pound 4 ounces and was 11.25 inches long. She took very few breaths on this earth before she became an angel
Rachel Elizabeth - Rachel was the other girls name that we chose and Elizabeth is my middle name (and my great grandmother's name).
Rachel means "ewe, female sheep" and Elizabeth means "my God is an oath, pledged to God".
Rachel was born on May 27, 2013 at 8:40am weighing 1 pound 7 ounces and was 11.5 inches long. Rachel fought so very hard to breathe and live for a few hours, but she simply was too small/lungs were under developed to survive.
Gabriel Andrew - As mentioned, Gabriel was a name we loved for a boy and Andrew is my husband's name.
Gabriel means "God is my strength" and Andrew means "strong, manly, brave". I often though of Gabriel as Leah and Rachel's guadian angel. When the girls were fighting TTTS, Gabe was just hanging out "above" them making sure nothing bad happened.
Gabriel was born still on May 27, 2013 at 2:05pm weighing 1 pound 6 ounces and was 11.5 inches long.
(Sorry it's so long! I decided to copy my blog post)
Izzie was born sleeping on May 18, 2013 at 11:58pm. She weighed 3lbs. 10.6oz and was 17 inches long. She had ginormous feet for her little body and a head full of brown, wavy hair. She was the spitting image of her daddy.
Alice was born March 27, 2014 at 5:29 am weighing 11.8 oz and 9.75 inches. She looked just like her big brother (who looks just like their daddy), but she had my grandmother's long skinny fingers. Alice was a name we had discussed a bit, it was my grandmother's name. We didn't even know we were having a girl until she was born. We were in such shock and decided to name her Alice as that was the one girl's name we both liked. It was the perfect name for her since my grandmother that she is named after is the one who gave her her long fingers.
This is a picture of her "stats" and tiny hands and foot prints that are in her memory box.
Married 11/23/11, TTC starting 10/12, BFP#1 11/30/12, Adoption of stepson finalized 03/19/13,Loss of our daughter at 20w4d due to incompetent cervix 03/27/13, BFP#2 06/28/13, DS2 born 3/1/14.
who was Elizabeth Christine Bruton... A daughter,little sister,baby cousin,niece,grand-baby,great grand-baby. She was stillborn Aug. 7, 2013 at 3:55pm. She was perfect,no birth defects,no visible signs that anything was wrong other than the fluid in her belly. Everyday I think about her & every time I cry. We miss you Elizabeth.
We chose the name Elizabeth because it's my mom's middle name & Christine after the main actress in Phantom of the Opera (one of our favorite movies). She looked just like me, had her daddy's nose, she was perfect in every way.
We chose her name because if it's meaning. Annabelle means joy, beautiful, lovable, graceful. Lucille is after my favorite saint, Saint Lucy who died for her faith. Annabelle was born on July 19th, 2011 at 34w5d at 2lbs9oz and 14 1/2" long. She was my beautiful little peanut. She never took a breath but her precious heart beat for a little over an hour, which gave the whole family time to say hello. Her big brother and sister got to meet her and we were lucky enough to get NILMDTS to take pictures for us. Her birth story is incredibly bittersweet and I still have a difficult time thinking about it. I have stopped journaling in my blog, but I am so glad that I wrote it:
Re: capture your grief day 2
Baby Gary looked just like his daddy, but had my nose. He was so sweet and gentle, even through my pregnancy. He never gave me the painful jabs dd did, just like kicks reminding me that he was still there. That's how I knew we had lost him... when those little kicks stopped. A had phantom movement for about six months after he was gone. It was like being an amputee. I knew he was gone but I still felt him so strongly. I often wonder if he would have been so sweet and gentle as he grew up. Love my boy.
Domenik had his fathers body completely, long and skinny! He even had his face, but he had my nose and cheeks! Domenik was a good boy, he was good to me in utero. He occasionally gave me some back and leg pain, but most he just swam around. He really loves music, he would swim the most when I played music and danced.
Attached is his memorial shelf I have in my room. The painting I made myself, it's his full name and birthday. The teddy was given to him after birth. The picture is of his feet. There is a mold of his feet as well, and the hat he wore while in the hospital. His urn is next on the shelf, followed by a box full with pictures and his hospital bracelets. Sorry it's sideways!
She was born May 2, 2013 at 4:20 pm
Weighing 14.67 oz and 11 in long.
She had the cutest dimple chin and tons of dark hair. She was the sweetest thing. Her brother was always kicking her in my belly and she would just put her arms up to block her face. She was always so calm and never gave me by trouble. Love you, sweet girl!
Brooke Elizabeth born Feb 17, 2013 grew wings May 9, 2013 @ 11 weeks & 4 days old from SIDS
Day 2 Identity- My sweet girl is named Bunny. We couldn't agree on a girl's name for the short time we knew Bunny was a girl. We had a really hard time naming her after her death because nothing seemed right...we finally decided on "Bunny" because we want to remember her as a sweet, innocent, playful little bunny. Consequently, we started seeing bunnies almost everyday in our neighborhood (the pic is from this morning!!!)...I may recycle this pic on "signs" day.
Sadly, I did not get to see my daughter after my surgery...her head was very enlarged and it was all really complicated and I wanted to remember her like I saw her on the US. She had super long legs just like her daddy and the sweetest profile. She was a bouncy little thing on the US's and kept laying her sweet little hands on her chest. I love you sweet girl.
8/12-Suprise BFP- Sweet Bunny Born Sleeping 11/21/12 (19 weeks)
-5/7/13- MMC (8 Weeks)
11/6/13- BO discovered at 7 weeks- natural MC 11/25/13
8/14- Surpise IF dx...low AMH (.24)- moving on to IVF
IVF #1- 11/14- 6R5M4F=2 perfect frosties
12/19/14- FET of 2 embabies = BFP!!! One Little Bean EDD: 9/3/15
Everyone Welcome.
Anastasia Maeve, March 2nd 2013 5lbs 11oz 18 1/2" long
36 weeks, 5 days
Beautiful light brown hair, long fingers, Daddy's mouth and cheeks, Mommy's nose and face, flat butt and long fingers!
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
I almost always refer to Leah, Rachel and Gabriel as "the triplets" or "our babies" but because this is about their own unique identity, I'm going to talk about each one separately.
Leah Naomi - we chose Leah before we were pregnant (as we did with all their first names) we really liked the name. About a week before Leah was born we realized we hadn't found her a middle name. After reading through many names, we both noticed that multiple times our minds went back to Naomi.
Leah means "weary, tired" and Naomi means "pleasant, delightful".
Leah was born on May 27, 2013 at 5:52 am, weighing 1 pound 4 ounces and was 11.25 inches long. She took very few breaths on this earth before she became an angel
Rachel Elizabeth - Rachel was the other girls name that we chose and Elizabeth is my middle name (and my great grandmother's name).
Rachel means "ewe, female sheep" and Elizabeth means "my God is an oath, pledged to God".
Rachel was born on May 27, 2013 at 8:40am weighing 1 pound 7 ounces and was 11.5 inches long. Rachel fought so very hard to breathe and live for a few hours, but she simply was too small/lungs were under developed to survive.
Gabriel Andrew - As mentioned, Gabriel was a name we loved for a boy and Andrew is my husband's name.
Gabriel means "God is my strength" and Andrew means "strong, manly, brave". I often though of Gabriel as Leah and Rachel's guadian angel. When the girls were fighting TTTS, Gabe was just hanging out "above" them making sure nothing bad happened.
Gabriel was born still on May 27, 2013 at 2:05pm weighing 1 pound 6 ounces and was 11.5 inches long.
(Sorry it's so long! I decided to copy my blog post)
Alice was born March 27, 2014 at 5:29 am weighing 11.8 oz and 9.75 inches. She looked just like her big brother (who looks just like their daddy), but she had my grandmother's long skinny fingers. Alice was a name we had discussed a bit, it was my grandmother's name. We didn't even know we were having a girl until she was born. We were in such shock and decided to name her Alice as that was the one girl's name we both liked. It was the perfect name for her since my grandmother that she is named after is the one who gave her her long fingers.
This is a picture of her "stats" and tiny hands and foot prints that are in her memory box.
A daughter,little sister,baby cousin,niece,grand-baby,great grand-baby. She was stillborn Aug. 7, 2013 at 3:55pm. She was perfect,no birth defects,no visible signs that anything was wrong other than the fluid in her belly. Everyday I think about her & every time I cry. We miss you Elizabeth.
Annabelle was born on July 19th, 2011 at 34w5d at 2lbs9oz and 14 1/2" long. She was my beautiful little peanut. She never took a breath but her precious heart beat for a little over an hour, which gave the whole family time to say hello. Her big brother and sister got to meet her and we were lucky enough to get NILMDTS to take pictures for us. Her birth story is incredibly bittersweet and I still have a difficult time thinking about it. I have stopped journaling in my blog, but I am so glad that I wrote it: https://