I know there was a thread last week about the AIO but has anyone tried the pockets yet? I couldn't help myself and ordered the chevron. I was tempted to order more but with such little reviews since they're still so new I figured I'd wait until Black Friday/Cyber Monday or something when I plan to order all my wet bags and accessories.
If you ordered the pockets, how are you liking them so far? Or does anyone know of any like full reviews on them yet that they can link me to? That'd be awesome too lol.
Re: Nicki's new pockets
BFP #1 3/14/12 EDD 11/21/12 MC 3/23/12 5w3d Back to TTC Femara + Ovidrel April/May 2012
BFP #2 5/19/12 EDD 1/27/13 No hb @ 7w1d 6/11/12 1st dose cytotec 6/18/12 8w1d
RPL panel: MTHFR compound heterozygousStarted folic acid/baby aspirin, cleared to TTC 9/12BFP #3 10/25/12 EDD 7/9/13 Beta #1 13DPO 119 Beta #2 15DPO 264
Baby E born 7/8/13