Cloth Diapering

Nicki's new pockets

I know there was a thread last week about the AIO but has anyone tried the pockets yet? I couldn't help myself and ordered the chevron. I was tempted to order more but with such little reviews since they're still so new I figured I'd wait until Black Friday/Cyber Monday or something when I plan to order all my wet bags and accessories.

If you ordered the pockets, how are you liking them so far? Or does anyone know of any like full reviews on them yet that they can link me to? That'd be awesome too lol.

Re: Nicki's new pockets

  • I got four of them and I do like them. They have openings on both ends for stuffing or removing inserts. The insert that came with is a long microfiber with snaps to shorten it. I didn't like how that laid while on the shortest rise, so I'm currently using some other microfiber inserts I had, but I might start trying the original ones at night since DD is sleeping for longer stretches and I think that doubled up part might be good. I think they're very good quality for the price! I prefer snaps, but I did get one Velcro for DC, and that seems good too
    Me:32 dx anovulation, unknown reason DH:41
    4 cycles Clomid=No O, 6 total cycles of Femara + Ovidrel
    BFP #1 3/14/12 EDD 11/21/12 MC 3/23/12 5w3d Back to TTC Femara + Ovidrel April/May 2012 
    BFP #2 5/19/12 EDD 1/27/13 No hb @ 7w1d 6/11/12 1st dose cytotec 6/18/12 8w1d 
    RPL panel: MTHFR compound heterozygousStarted folic acid/baby aspirin, cleared to TTC 9/12BFP #3 10/25/12 EDD 7/9/13 Beta #1 13DPO 119 Beta #2 15DPO 264 
    Baby E born 7/8/13

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • edited October 2013
    I just ordered the Chevron and Tree Friends to try out. I hope we like them! They are only $9.95 right now and there is free shipping for them for now so I figured it was a good time to order :).
    Little man # 1 - 03/05/2010
    Little man # 2 - 05/02/2013
    Little sister - 07/16/2015
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  • Yeah I'm hoping the price stays the same up until at least Black Friday or that they go on sale again then. This week is when all the bills get paid so it was hard convincing DH on getting more lol especially since we're still waiting on 6 diapers in the mail to begin with on top of ordering DD's Halloween costume. Oh man the end of the year is expensive haha.
  • We just got ours today. I got the chevron and purple. I didn't use the insert that came with it, but our regular Alva bamboo insert. It fit fine. The dipe seemed to fit my DD very well (Kawaii is our usual brand) - I could get a snug fit. I was worried about the lack of hip snaps, but it seems to be OK. DD was particularly excited about the colour! She even stopped what she was doing, came over and laid in front of me so I could put it on!
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Hmm I wonder how they're fitting on younger babies.
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