
I want flu season to be over

I'm already sick of the damn flu shot debates all over the bump.

If I see "autism" or "doctor kickbacks" one more time I'll scream.

I wish DH got kickbacks. It'd be nice to pay off his student loans early, buy a new car, buy a house...

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Re: I want flu season to be over

  • I didn't know this, but the flu shot's effects do not last the entire length of flu season. This random info is brought to you by me lying on the floor in my bathroom, crying and wishing for death, last March.
    "To me, you are perfect."

  • @KJmashup you could have also caught a strain not covered in the shot you received.
    True. So then I want all the flu shots. One for every strain, and then some.  
    "To me, you are perfect."

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  • this weekend i was getting my haircut and I said "after this we are going to get my son's flu shot."  Instant silence followed by "do you find that the flu shot makes him sick?" and she has 3 boys so I am sure none of them are vax'd.

    My favorite are the new Jenny McCarthy ads where she is promoting e-cigs.  All i can think of is "hi i'm Jenny McCarthy and I support the use of e-cigs and am anti-vaccine."

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  • SimpleJaneSimpleJane member
    edited October 2013
    The flu shot was only 60-70 % effective last year according to my doc. They didn't get all the strains right I guess. I was one of the lucky ones who got the shot and then got the flu anyway :( Thankfully though, neither of my kids came down with it.

    I've had to explain to coworkers why the vaccine cant give you the flu a few times already this season. People are stupid. I also successfully convinced a coworker/friend to give her infant son all of his vaccinations after her mother had convinced her not to because of autism.
  • I found out last year DD's shot covered 6 strains and mine only covered 5. So it was possible for me to pick up a strain that she was covered on.

    Anyway, we both already got our shots this year and I am so sick and tired of seeing andhearing the debates everywhere. Ugh.

    Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
  • Every year, I get the flu shot. Every year, I get a fairly nasty cold 3 days later.
    Beats getting the flu. The end.
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