
help with names for twin boys

Hello ladies!

I would love your opinions with names for our boys. I really liked Jack and Sean because I'm looking for good solid names that aren't cutesy or trendy, but Jack isn't going to work out (long story but family drama related). I definitely think Sean is a go. What is another name that works well with Sean? TIA!!

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Re: help with names for twin boys

  • Hmm..stick with one syllables I guess if you want them to flow well together.  Just avoid John!  (Sean John)  haha.
  • Ryan or James?
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  • We are naming our twin boys Jaxon and Chase :) I love these names!!!
  • My husband is James and that was my first thought, but he doesn't want a Jr..

    Ryan and Chase I like. TY!

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  • I've always loved Ben. Benjamin and Sean.
    Or Owen?
    A great website for baby names is name If you search Sean, it'll show you names that go with it. And they have a name forum that's fun to use.
  • If these two were boys they would have been Trevor and Gavin.

  • How about Sean and Zach.  Or Aiden.


  • i really wanted chase or carter but DH didn't.  we are going with 1 syllable names (Jack is one of our choices, but leaning towards some other ones).  Good luck!  
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  • ceechie said:

    I've always loved Ben. Benjamin and Sean.
    Or Owen?
    A great website for baby names is name If you search Sean, it'll show you names that go with it. And they have a name forum that's fun to use.

    I vote for Owen. Love it!
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  • Another vote for Owen. I have an Owen and Miles so I might be a little bias but I think Owen and Sean go nicely especially since they both have a Celtic origin.
  • Our oldest son is Christian Alexander. Our twin boy is Owen Thomas. I'm definitely another vote for Owen.
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                                               Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
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  • Sean and jake ?
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  • Tate! 

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  • My son is Anthony so that definitely doesn't go with what you want to do.

    Um...Ben is a good one as is Jake.  I also like Kyle or Kane.  
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