OK - thanks. I wasn't finding a website for the brand (like you can with BG, assunta, blueberry, etc...) - just sites like diaperswappers and diaperjunction, so I wasn't sure.
I think Alva's website is alvababy.com, but I'm not sure about THX. I think a lot of people here use Superstash.net to order Alva's b/c the lady that runs it has great customer service, but I have never personally tried them. I do remember bookmarking her site b/c I kept hearing good things, though.
From what I understand, THX is a wholesale company so you usually only see their stuff on co-ops or used. I have some THX fitteds that I like. I was a little wary of buying them because it's hard to find info on the brand, but I would definitely try more THX diapers after using their fitteds.
From what I understand, THX is a wholesale company so you usually only see their stuff on co-ops or used. I have some THX fitteds that I like. I was a little wary of buying them because it's hard to find info on the brand, but I would definitely try more THX diapers after using their fitteds.
good to know - I'm considering some THX newborn AIO's. I may just pull the trigger
If u order from superstash.net u get the diapers a lot quicker plus a handwritten thank u note, a free sample of CJs and a sample of country save detergent. She's awesome
Re: a couple stupid questions (I tried google)