My LO is a little over 5 weeks and we've had many issues with my right breast - mastitis, thrush and a huge, painful crack that is still there. I think because of all of this, combined with the stress and incredible pain I've had with that breast, my LO has a huge preference for the left breast, which we do great with. She is gaining weight wonderfully. My question is what to do at this point. Sometimes I'm still in too much pain to offer the right breast, sometimes she downright refuses it and other times, she'll take it but for 2-5 minutes and then get very fussy. I pump it between 2-3 times a day and still offer it when I can so I'm still getting lots of milk coming in, and am actually having an issue now with engorgement and lumps all over it. Should I just give up on that side, pump it a few times a day and not worry anymore about it? I think that offering it sometimes and having her sometimes take it for a few minutes is really messing up my supply because it is so incredibly inconsistent. I just kind of want to establish a routine but with all the issues we've had, it's been really hard. Any suggestions would be so appreciated!! I'm losing my mind!! haha.
Re: Huge preference for one side - should I just pump the "bad" side?
I'm hoping you get some helpful answers that will help me out also because I don't know what to do anymore. I have to pump it for every feeding because he's not getting enough from just the one side & it's tiring.
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!
How often do you pump the "bad" side?
I also recommend getting a good nipple cream (I use Bamboobies) and some nipple shells. The shells literally put your nipple in a protective bubble when you're not feeding.