So yesterday morning I set DD on my bed and turned around to grab something out of my dresser. As I turned back around I see her tumbling off the bed and hitting the floor head first.

Worst moment ever. She immediately started wailing and I scooped her up as quickly as I could. Once she calmed down, and I was able to nurse her, she acted completely fine, aside from a red nose for most of the morning, but it was quite possibly the most traumatic moment of her life so far for me. DH was not helping when he first came in to see what was wrong and I told him what happened, he was just asking me what I was thinking putting her that close to the edge of the bed, and basically just making me feel even more horrible. It was just a brain fart moment, sometimes I forget how much she moves around these days. I still keep going over it in my head and feeling horrible, even though I know things like this happen all the time and she is completely fine. I considered calling the pedi this morning but I think that would be overkill as she hasn't shown any signs of anything wrong since it happened.
Someone tell me something similar has happened to you so I don't feel as bad.....
Re: Mom of the Year
C 7.16.2008 | L 11.12.2010 | A 3.18.2013
Ds1 went rolling down the stairs twice (2 different houses) between 12 & 14 months, and then again at 16 years.
Dd did a belly flop off of a kitchen chair onto the kitchen floor between 18 & 24 months. Got a bloody nose from that stunt.
Ds1 fell out of bed and cracked his collarbone at 3 years. Tripped and split his chin open, needed stitches, at 4.
Those are the things my older two have done, and survived, so far. Waiting to see what will be added to the list as ds2 grows....and ds1 gets closer to graduating from high school.
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