March 2013 Moms

Mom of the Year

So yesterday morning I set DD on my bed and turned around to grab something out of my dresser.  As I turned back around I see her tumbling off the bed and hitting the floor head first. :(  Worst moment ever. She immediately started wailing and I scooped her up as quickly as I could.  Once she calmed down, and I was able to nurse her, she acted completely fine, aside from a red nose for most of the morning, but it was quite possibly the most traumatic moment of her life so far for me.  DH was not helping when he first came in to see what was wrong and I told him what happened, he was just asking me what I was thinking putting her that close to the edge of the bed, and basically just making me feel even more horrible. It was just a brain fart moment, sometimes I forget how much she moves around these days.  I still keep going over it in my head and feeling horrible, even though I know things like this happen all the time and she is completely fine. I considered calling the pedi this morning but I think that would be overkill as she hasn't shown any signs of anything wrong since it happened.

Someone tell me something similar has happened to you so I don't feel as bad.....
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Re: Mom of the Year

  • This almost happened to me! I put DS on the bed to get dressed, while I was grabbing a clean shirt from the closet, maybe 4 feet away I see him about to get the momentum to roll right off the bed!! I went sprinting out of the closet and grabbed him. Then another time DH was in the bed with him and he almost rolled off! Our bed is really high, so we both agreed no taking your eyes off this kid for a second.
  • PinkandLove77PinkandLove77 member
    edited September 2013
    I completely understand this! I've done it :( DS was about 4 months old and not even rolling yet but somehow got off the bed and onto the floor in LITERALLY three seconds!! I had my back to him so I don't know how he hit the carpeted floor but he wailed, too. Calmed down and everything seemed fine quickly though. I was a wreck!

    So don't stress. We're not perfect and I'm glad she's okay :) I betcha we've learned a lesson!
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  • Definately not alone.  DD rolled off the bed at grandma's house, and on the same day I went to put her in her car seat in the middle seat and she twisted as I was ducking into the car and she slipped out of my hands and fell onto the edge of the car seat. 5 seconds of tears and she was good to go.
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  • I think it may be a rite of parenthood. DD1 went off the bed twice, DD2 once, and well, there's still time for DS. Who knows, maybe third time's the charm for me? :D

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  • thank you for making me feel better :)
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  • I fell from the bed 2 or 3 times as an infant. I'm okay. It was a tall bed too. It happens.
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  • Yeah lesson learn.  Can't beat yourself up too much.  I am sure there will be many moments we wish we could get a redo.
  • Ds1 went rolling down the stairs twice (2 different houses) between 12 & 14 months, and then again at 16 years. 

    Dd did a belly flop off of a kitchen chair onto the kitchen floor between 18 & 24 months. Got a bloody nose from that stunt.

    Ds1 fell out of bed and cracked his collarbone at 3 years.  Tripped and split his chin open, needed stitches, at 4.

    Those are the things my older two have done, and survived, so far.  Waiting to see what will be added to the list as ds2 grows....and ds1 gets closer to graduating from high school.

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  • DS never rolled off anything, but I did drop a frozen pork tenderloin on his face when I opened a freezer door.

    DD rolled of DS's toddler bed last week

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  • My little guy woke up at about 4 am one morning and I just nursed him on the couch. Side laying. I fell asleep, he moved and fell off the couch face down on our hardwood floors. I felt absolutely terrible. My husband got up, he could tell it was a scared cry. I still think about it every so often and feel so sad about it. Don't you know I've never nursed him on the couch in while sleepy again!
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  • I am sooo glad you posted this.  Our DS fell off the bed a few weeks ago.  He was fine but I just felt TERRIBLE!  Good to know we all can win the Mom of the Year award!  :)


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  • I get that award too. Off the tallest bed in the house. Worst. Feeling. Ever.!
  • Been there done that the couch while we were both looking right at her.



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