LO is 4 months. She used to STTN but in the last month she has been waking every 2 hours or less to be held and comforted back to sleep. While I dont mind this and I am not sleep deprived I just wish I could help her sleep. The doctor reccommended trying to let her cry it out as well as other people who have been telling us we need to try it to get her to sleep better.
We did try it and after ten min we couldnt do it anymore. I just dont feel this method is right for us. So for those of you that feel the same how can I help her get to sleep through the night? She also doesnt nap long either. Thanks for all your help and suggestions.
I am EBF with DH feeding her bottles while im away at work. She still sleeps in our room in her rock and sleeper.
Re: Help her to sleep with out CIO
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That said, I totally get not being comfortable letting a 4 month old CIO. The key to helping your baby sleep better is keeping her well-rested, because when she gets overtired it's harder to sleep. Try to anticipate her drowsy times (at 4 months probably around 9, around 1, and maybe around 4-5 or maybe up until bedtime) and start up to a half-hour soothing period BEFORE that time rather than waiting until she gets cranky to put her down.
Try skimming through the Happiest Baby sleep guide (Harvey Karp). I was having the same issues but crying it out was not for us, except as an absolute last resort. I liked the book because it went through all different methods - not just CIO vs not.
Happy to say after just a week of no CIO, LO is sleeping soooooo much better!
Good luck!!