
Question about breastfeeding rights

I recently started working full time again but I work from home. I am a consultant and my employer already put me on a project that involves travel. I have asked for a little more time before traveling and they have said no. But I recently found out about Break Time for Nursing Mothers in federal law:
It requires employers to provide the time and a private space to pump (not a bathroom). But, how am I supposed to get that on the road, plane, and client site? Does anyone know how this would apply when traveling?
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Question about breastfeeding rights

  • I don't know how it applies when traveling, but I can share what I do.  I travel occasionally for work (no overnights without baby yet, but I do some long day trips), and I typically nurse baby before I leave, then pump in the rental car on my way to a job site, then I would pump again over lunch or on my way back to the airport, and sometimes, depending on the length of the day, pump on my way home from the airport, and nurse DS as soon as I got home.  I will say that I've been amazed that I've had no problems with TSA and taking BM through the airport.  I never take my ice pack - I take ziplock bags, and stop at a gas station or fast food place and fill them with ice to keep the milk cold.
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  • I know some people just really, really don't like pumping in bathrooms on principle (which I get), but I have had luck with the family bathrooms at airports. They're totally private, spacious, you can lock the door and be totally undisturbed for as long as you want. If someone knocks or tries to open the door, just ignore it. THey will go away.
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  • ClaryPax said:

    I don't suppose your employer can do anything while you are in an airport or airplane, but they certainly can talk to the client and help you find a room at the client site.

    Most airports have rooms for mom to pump in.  It's actually fairly simple to pump while driving...and when I'm at a conference that's local, I just pumped in my car during the short breaks...yes a 10 min pumping session isn't ideal, but it's better than skipping it, and I did a full one at lunch to make up for it.

    How do you pump while driving?? I am so curious how you do it (you are the third person i have heard mention this recently). I have never like pumping and have needed to lean forward, use my hands, make adjustments... Maybe im doing it wrong!?
  • swgdvm said:
    How do you pump while driving?? I am so curious how you do it (you are the third person i have heard mention this recently). I have never like pumping and have needed to lean forward, use my hands, make adjustments... Maybe im doing it wrong!?
    Get a hands free pumping bra!  I pump on my way to work every day, it's pretty simple.  When I get in the car in the morning I put my pumping bra on and hook up my pump, plug it in with the car adapter, and then put my nursing cover on.  I set the pump and my cooler in the passenger seat while I drive, and then when I get to work I take everything off and pack it up to take into the office.  It's a bit of a pain, but much better than trying to add another session in during my work day.

    Also, PP, I recently traveled for work, and the day we were at a client meeting I was just able to use the breaks in our meeting and pump in their nursing room.  I was planning to ask for a place to go but when I went to the bathroom when we arrived I discovered the nursing room was attached so I just snuck in there and used it.  No one even knew.  
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  • Thanks everyone. I was hoping I could just get OUT of traveling but it sounds like it's doable at airports and hopefully the client site.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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