I recently started working full time again but I work from home. I am a consultant and my employer already put me on a project that involves travel. I have asked for a little more time before traveling and they have said no. But I recently found out about Break Time for Nursing Mothers in federal law:
https://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs73.htmIt requires employers to provide the time and a private space to pump (not a bathroom). But, how am I supposed to get that on the road, plane, and client site? Does anyone know how this would apply when traveling?
Re: Question about breastfeeding rights
Most airports have rooms for mom to pump in. It's actually fairly simple to pump while driving...and when I'm at a conference that's local, I just pumped in my car during the short breaks...yes a 10 min pumping session isn't ideal, but it's better than skipping it, and I did a full one at lunch to make up for it.
How do you pump while driving?? I am so curious how you do it (you are the third person i have heard mention this recently). I have never like pumping and have needed to lean forward, use my hands, make adjustments... Maybe im doing it wrong!?