Stay at Home Moms

XP- My brain is gone...

OMG my brain is gone, damn you pregnancy brain.

I'm a member of the women's committee for the symphony here and we have one big event each year. We do a family picnic. The only thing you have to do is work a shift related to the picnic {most are day of, but I had been given one that I could do before} and buy tickets. Well, about a week ago I emailed a friend who was in charge of the shift work and asked when I needed to have my done, she told me she would get back to me. Well, it was today! I never followed up again and I am not at the picnic. The only reason I remembered it was even today {somehow it was not on my calendar!} is that the sign I had in my yard advertising it was gone when I got home from running errands just a little while ago. Ugh! I hate to be in trouble! I emailed the girl about the shift and told her I was sorry that I forgot to follow up, but honestly she said she would get back to me, so is it really all my fault or can I blame some on her?

Crap crap crap. I feel like an idiot.

Re: XP- My brain is gone...

  • Yes, you probably should have followed up.. But, she didn't follow through either.. Double " foul". Don't beat yourself up!
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  • I'm trying not to, I just completely spaced on it. I've never done that before. I feel really bad bc the friend who is in charge is a good friend {her SIL is my best friend and she is a good friend} the president this year is a good friend as well and the co-picnic organizer is friend as well...I feel bad letting them down. Like really bad.
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  • Since you are good friends with them I understand feeling bad, but they will understand too. Things happen. You contacted them right away. It's not like you totally flaked on them.. And I'm sure a box of chocolates and/or a bottle of wine can always smooth things over. :)
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  • I feel better than it was name tags instead of something like bringing wine or water. Or serving the food. It's still crappy and I'm going to have to pay a fine probably {or get kicked out? This is my first year, so I have no idea what the punishment is} but not having member name tags isn't the end of the world. I just hope I wasn't supposed to be there as well. Nothing was very clear and I haven't been able to go to the last two mtgs thanks to either pregnancy or DH's schedule.
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