Cloth Diapering

New to Cloth Diapering with a few questions

I don't have a baby yet and we are currently TTC but I'm looking into cloth diapering and wondering what are some good brands and where can I purchase them that can ship to Ontario Canada? I'm just trying to figure out some prices and see what stores have the cheaper diapers. Thanks!

Re: New to Cloth Diapering with a few questions

  • I love our BumGenius 4.0 snaps. They weren't cheap, but they were so worth it.  I love that disposable dipes are never on my weekly shopping list. I also invested another $100 in hemp inserts to combine with the microfiber ones and that was a great decision.  I think you can order all these off of
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  • Yes, BumGenius 4.0 are definitely on my wishlist, but they are a but pricey. Thanks!
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  • edited September 2013
    And actually I have looked into this brand already, amazon doesn't have the cheapest, atleast doesnt. I found some on for $20.95 and amazon was $29.95 :) I think I can still get from even though I'm in Canada right? I'm not very good with online shopping.
  • We use Grovia.  Not sure where all they ship to.  We use their hybrids.  They are a little cheaper than most brands we found.  My sister uses flips and loves them.  They are a more inexpensive brand.
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  • Yea I think im interested in AIO, Pockets and maybe All-In-2s. 
  • If you're interested in Bumgenius, sells them for under $20 a diaper if you buy 12+. They also ship free within Canada on orders of $99 or more. They have a ton of other brands, too.

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  • Also, Glowbug is a company out of TO that sells really affordable pockets. I personally prefer Bumgenius, but Glowbug gets great reviews. They just didn't fit my LO well.

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  • Yea I wouldn't want to buy 12 of one kind YET. I want to just get a couple of each brand and then when I do have a baby test them out and then buy more of the brands that I like. 
  • That's a good plan. I wish I'd done that. Are there any stores near you that offer a trial?

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  • There are a bunch of stores that also do free delivery to Ontario if you spend over $25 dollars. I shop from and they sell bumgenius, grovias and a few other brands. I also like funky fluff which sell in Ontario. They are a one size pocket. I have a list of great list of sites at home. @oxCherryBlossomxo
    PM me if you would like the list.

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  • I'm not sure if there are @Stef1210 that's kind of another question I'm hoping someone on here can help with. I live in a small town and there are no cloth diaper stores here or around me. I'm not a big city driver so hoping for stores to ship. 
  • I don't think BumGenius or GroVia products are allowed to ship from the states.  Not sure why, rules from the companies I guess.

    I really liked caterpillarbaby and cozybums.  Both had reasonable pricing and quick shipping turnarounds.


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  • Nicki's also ships to Ontario, but the shipping is a bit pricey. they do the trials tho, so it may be worth it. I've ordered from caterpillar baby in the past, and they were good. 
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  • AMP diapers are amazing. They are based in Canada. They have pockets and aios.

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  • Thanks! I saw them on some of the sites and wondered about them, just haven't heard much about them!
  • In addition to the ones listed, these are also in Ontario. I'm in NL, but these have been my favourite to order from. has a big sale/clearance section,, are fast shipping with good selection. I also order from It's in BC but they have the most amazing customer service and cheap shipping.
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  • Great thanks ladies!
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