I'm looking for a carrier to use that my LO can nurse in. She's 5 weeks, 9-10 lbs. I have an ergo but I find that it's a little cumbersome to put on and she can't nurse while wearing it. I'm looking at either the K'tan or Balboa and probably leaning towards the K'tan.
Which of these would you prefer or recommend another that you find useful. Thanks!
Re: Carrier for nursing
I put her in more of a horizontal position and rest her head on the crook of my arm. So its not exactly hands free, but I'm still able to do things around the house, take the dog for a stroll, walk around the store, etc. Its a lifesaver!
When she's done nursing I put her in vertically and thats totally hands free of course, and plus its very comfortable for my back.
Its the only carrier we've used so far but I am very happy with it. I can tell she's going to outgrow it in a few months (she's 9 weeks old) but it has been well worth it. So incredibly easy to put on- I only had to look at the instructions twice before I had it down.
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