Cloth Diapering

Recommendations BG

I am looking to purchase some BG but need a recommendation for the type. We like pockets but have some AIOs. I prefer aplix now for the newborn stage for a better fit.

So which do you prefer; 4.0, free time, elemental? Does anyone use BG flips? And aplix or snaps?


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Re: Recommendations BG

  • I use Freetimes, I hate pockets. BG is known for having bad aplix. Mine are all snaps.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
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  • I like all of them but the Freetime. To be fair, I've never actually tried it, but I don't like MF. I use the 4.0s stuffed with my own bamboo inserts, and something for the Flip covers. I didn't care for the elementals when A was little, but now I like them a lot, and I think that they are my H's favorite still. I like them all mostly equally, but lately have been staying away from pockets and going to my natural fiber dipes only.
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  • BG elemental loving family! They are trim, absorbent and a natural fiber! They do take forever to dry though! I like the old style. If it were between the new style and flip. I'd get flip with the cotton inserts!

    I really like the fit of the flip covers.

    All snaps and they fit well. And I love bit worrying about the aplix catching on everything.
  • BG 4.0s are the only pockets I've found so far that fit my LO well. We have virtually no leaks in them. We use the inserts that come with them. I'll put the newborn inserts in as a doubler at night. I second what PP said--the snaps are probably the better option. I love the stretchy tabs, too--I hear they're great for when babies are older and crawling around.

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  • I love the 4.0's. I have one freetime, and like it, but it's a bit bulky right now. The 4.0's and elementals are very trim, but I really don't care for the elemental, since the way the inside lies against LO's bum looks uncomfortable to me. I'm sure it's fine and I'm just wierd.
    Me:32 dx anovulation, unknown reason DH:41
    4 cycles Clomid=No O, 6 total cycles of Femara + Ovidrel
    BFP #1 3/14/12 EDD 11/21/12 MC 3/23/12 5w3d Back to TTC Femara + Ovidrel April/May 2012 
    BFP #2 5/19/12 EDD 1/27/13 No hb @ 7w1d 6/11/12 1st dose cytotec 6/18/12 8w1d 
    RPL panel: MTHFR compound heterozygousStarted folic acid/baby aspirin, cleared to TTC 9/12BFP #3 10/25/12 EDD 7/9/13 Beta #1 13DPO 119 Beta #2 15DPO 264 
    Baby E born 7/8/13

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  • I like BG 4.0s, and used flip covers over fitteds. The aplix is really useless though, 6 months of use and it looks awful. The snaps are great, but if you're set on aplix I'd try a different brand. Tots bots and rarz have good aplix.
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  • We have all BG. About one third are Freetimes and to thirds are pockets, all snaps. I like the freetime, but hate spraying them. It is such a pain. For that reason, I vote pockets. Plus, you can change absorbency so easily with pockets. When he has more solid poop, though, maybe the Freetimes won't be such a pain to clean.
  • Snaps for sure on BG. While the Aplix BG I have is okay after 18 months, I still think the snaps have aged better. If you're planning to use them for more than one child, most definitely snaps. Also, DD sometimes removes her aplix diapers and has not yet figured out the snaps.

    As far as style, I like the 4.0 and Flip. DD is far too heavy of a wetter for the Freetime and I am far too impatient to wait for the Elemental to dry (and I think the new style would be lacking in absorbency for her anyway).
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  • We have all freetime and I really like them - but to be fair we haven't tried any other kind. I decided to stick with one style because I thought it would just make life simpler, esp since LO goes to daycare.
  • Another BG Freetime mom here. I have a few 4.0s pockets and  LO is still young (4 months), but I am already over stuffing pockets and refuse to buy anymore. 

    I really like the Freetimes, and they are always the first diaper both DH  and I grab. We have the snaps because I read a ton of bad reviews regarding BG velcro. 

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