Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Anyone's LO Poop a lot?

About two weeks ago my 10 month dd went from pooping once a day to about 7-10 times a day. It is crazy. At the same time, I started weening her to formula ( she still nurses about twice a day), I also started giving her more finger foods. Her stools seem normal (no diarrhea). I took her to the doctor because I was concerned and she didn't seem concerned, blamed it on switching to formula and teething. All this pooping is giving her a horrible diaper rash from wiping her so much that I can't get control of ( I've tried everything). Does anyone else's LO poop that much, or go throw a phasing of pooping that much? Any ideas on how to combat the diaper rash? I've used butt paste, cornstarch, and triple paste...
BFP #1: 11/09; DS born 8/01/10 BFP #2: 10/11/11 EDD: 06/25/12 M/MC 11/23/11 @ 9 weeks, 3 days; BFP#3 3/10/12 EDD 11/23/11 Grow Baby! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Nursing Bras at Nurtured Family

Re: Anyone's LO Poop a lot?

  • Yup, she's pooping in 75% of her diapers, and has been EVERY DAY for almost 4 weeks. Her butt is almost always red, and I know it doesn't feel good. We use CJs BUTTer (we do cloth diapers and its safe for those)... When I put it on at night, her skin is almost always back to normal in the morning. And then she poops all day and the cycle continues.

    Not sure if its teething or not. DD will be 10 months on Wednesday and still has no teeth... Plus, this has been going on for weeks! She does eat a good amount of table food, though. I try to limit acidic fruits when she's having a particularly bad skin day.
  • Yes, DD is almost one year and she has always pooped at least 4 times a day.  Lately it's been 5-6.
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  • Yes! DS is just over nine months and has gone from once a day to what feels like 10 poops a day. Hopefully this will end soon!
  • My LO pooped a lot in the beginning. Like every diaper. The pediatrician said to use water and cotton balls instead of wipes that wipes can cause problems due to the chemicals in them. And also to dry her bottom afterward. She recommended Viva paper towels because they are quite soft. Also the only thing that seems to keep her bottom in check is Aquaphor. I only use it at night now because we also use cloth during the day. Disposable at night. So these days I will use wipes on her when she poos. Then I will wipe her down with a cotton ball with water. Then PAT dry with a viva paper towel. And then during the day we use Grovia Magic Stick ( name makes me cringe ) but if you are using disposables all the time you could use Aquaphor. It really helped in the early days when her bottom was literally raw in spots.
    How to get her to stop pooping all the time I don't know. Ours is pooping 1-4 times a day now. Just depends on what I don't know.
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  • viking15 said:
    My LO pooped a lot in the beginning. Like every diaper. The pediatrician said to use water and cotton balls instead of wipes that wipes can cause problems due to the chemicals in them. And also to dry her bottom afterward. She recommended Viva paper towels because they are quite soft. Also the only thing that seems to keep her bottom in check is Aquaphor. I only use it at night now because we also use cloth during the day. Disposable at night. So these days I will use wipes on her when she poos. Then I will wipe her down with a cotton ball with water. Then PAT dry with a viva paper towel. And then during the day we use Grovia Magic Stick ( name makes me cringe ) but if you are using disposables all the time you could use Aquaphor. It really helped in the early days when her bottom was literally raw in spots. How to get her to stop pooping all the time I don't know. Ours is pooping 1-4 times a day now. Just depends on what I don't know.
    We also love the grovia magic stick - I have them use that at daycare, and we use CJs at home.  We use plain water and cloth wipes, no solution of any sort.  I think too much poop = redness, no matter what you do!
  • My DH just asked if it was normal for DS to poop 4-5 times each day. Luckily we had his 9 month appointment last week and we asked his doctor, she said of course it's fine, to just think of all the solids he is consuming now compared to a few months ago. Luckily we haven't had an issue with diaper rash....knock on cyber wood.

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    BFP #3: EDD 1/10/13 **DS born 12/30/12!!!**
    BFP #2: MC 7/2/11 @ 12 weeks
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    BFP #1: MMC discovered on 12/6/10



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