Two Under 2

1st birthday gift for second daughter

ClaudiaStar21ClaudiaStar21 member
edited September 2013 in Two Under 2
My good friend has 2 daughters. One just turned 2 in May and her second daughter is turning one in December. They are having a big first birthday, just like for their first, and I want to do a nice gift again but don't know what to get. Her second daughter has so many handmedowns. What do you suggest for a gift? I'd like to spend $50 to $75. If you have 2 girls, what would you have loved for the second?
Thank you.
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Re: 1st birthday gift for second daughter

  • Like your friend we didn't need any clothes or toys. A couple of our friends went in together and got DD2 a (family) membership to our local children's museum. Not sure if that is an option for you or not.
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