Babies: 3 - 6 Months


Am I doing my baby a great disservice by not having him around ppl all the time?

I do my best to organize play dates, we've been to story time @ the library, go for walks if its nice out, and we're usually out all day on the weekends. As much as that seems like "enough", its really not much at all. Come the winter it will be really hard to get out of the house (H has the car), and I need to find things for us to do inside.

I feel like keeping him in with me lots might hinder his development???

Re: Socializing

  • Nicb13 said:

    I'm not sure how old your LO is but under 6 months old....they don't really know they are socializing anyways. Don't stress yourself out.

    5 months. Just feeling pressure to make sure I'm doing everything "right"

  • I would not worry about this at all. At this age, it is just important that baby makes strong connections with his caregivers.  Sure, don't keep him locked up in the house all of the time, but a simple trip to the grocery store is socializing enough right now.

    Breathe, mama!
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  • MrsMuq said:

    My 15mo barely plays with the other kids when we do playdates/group. They all just kind of run into each other or around each other. It's not until they're closer to 24 months that they really play "together."

    don't stress yourself out (plus, when dS was that little, I always found the playdates/groups were more for me to interact with other new moms than really ahvign the babies socialize).

    Oops I forgot to quote....this! But fresh air does wonders for babies!
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