I felt strange and on a whim grabbed a test at Walgreens yesterday, and there in the pharmacy bathroom found out I was pregnant. I JUMPED in my car, drove about 80 to my family doctor and walked in demanding a confirmation test. And HELLO I am 4 weeks 2 days. I need someone to tell me that I am not an awful person for have intense panic/anxiety/shocked feelings. I haven't told my husband yet because I know he'll be over the moon and I don't want to upset him with my lack of excitement. I'm more terrified than anything right now. For those of you that waited to tell your BabyDaddy....how long did you keep it to yourself and what was your reveal? I hid my test at the back of my closet.
Re: Found out yesterday. Panicking
November Siggy Challenge
Hi all. I am new to this group. Just got confirmation today from GYN that I am indeed preggo (did not really need confirmation from them since my body has already let me know).
I was going to wait a few weeks before telling Husband but now I am just so excited I cannot wait till then. Plus I thought about what if I M/C again......how would I tell him "oh by the way I was going to wait a few weeks but...." Congrats to everyone. I plan on putting a tee-shirt on our 14 month old that says BIG BROTHER tonight. Praying our little beans stick!!!!
p.s. I have informed my boss of this (we are a very tight knit working group). Just in case anything happens and to let him know of my upcoming appt in a few weeks. He is a dad so he is just as excited as me LOL
With both babies DH was waiting outside the bathroom while I POAS, so I say tell your DH ASAP
Your right. I feel awful now.......seriously I do. Guess the excitement and all those feelings rushing thru my body just made my mind go numb....but again no excuse at all. Will make it right tonight.
Married: August 2012
DD: 9/22/2014
Well thank goodness you came to your senses but I will echo the sentiment that it was ridiculous to tell your boss before DH. You say you're close an you have special snowflake work reasons but all that does is tell me that you're closer with your boss than you are with your husband.
Put yourself in your DHs shoes. How would you feel if you didn't find out first and your spouse told a coworker? It's completely different than telling a BFF or mother first. He's you boss, not family, not friend, not doctor.
Me: 32 DH: 31.
B/W: good. SA: good.
November 2012: Paratubal cyst found during U/S.
January 10, 2013: Lap removed paratubal cyst and Stage 2 Endometriosis.
3 cycles of Femara + TI = BFNs
June 2013: Femara 2.5 mg, Gonal F Injects 37.5 IU, Menopur, trigger + IUI = BFN
July 2013: Femara 2.5 mg, Gonal F Injects 75 IU, Menopur, trigger + IUI = BFP!!!!
Beta 1 @ 11 DPIUI = 76. Progesterone = 27.3
BFP 8/16/2013 // EDD 4/28/2014
Jordan Samuel born April 19, 2014. 6 lb, 12 oz and 18 inches long.
CLICK ME!!!11!!1111!!
Back to flyingryann.. My pregnancy was planned.. but when I saw that line show up I did panick.. and I was open with my husband about it and it made it so much easier.
Let him know that you are scared and worried, respect him and hopefully he will respect you back.. good luck!
That One Gal From Alaska
ghost monkey you guys push me over the edge to act like a b**** on here and I will. I give my opinion my experience and I get trashed and degraded for it
Baby #1 due June 5th, 2014
8/15 FET #1 - transferred 1 thawed embryo - Pregnant with Baby C, it's a girl! Due April 2016.
2.) My husband is my childrens' father & my partner. He is NOT a baby daddy.
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
Not gonna lie the first thing I thought was: is this baby your boss's baby? Why else would he have a right to know before your husband?
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
@SaltyLady : Klassy.
I see you are ignoring my advice to use your brain before you post. Good job.
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
::cough:: bullshit ::cough::cough::
Beautiful Baby Jackson born 8/25/2010
Met the LOML 11/05/2011
Expecting the LO 5/15/2014
Getting Married 10/19/2014