September 2012 Moms

Today is D Day

I interview with my former employer at 1:30 and I'm so nervous.  What really stinks is I have my annual review HERE at 10:30 and I KNOW it will be awful.  I keep trying to tell myself this morning does NOT matter and just keep a poker face during the review and walk out of it unaffected so I can focus on what really matters - this afternoon.  However, I'm a woman, so you all know this is hard.

I have prayed so hard for so long for this and just trust that it's in God's hands.   I did set up a phone interview with another company for Monday morning because I'm scared to have all my eggs in one basket but of course I hope I don't need that option - but it's still great to have.  Thanks for listening to me incessantly talk about this. 
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