I'm interested to see how this is going to go. Hopefully, its a positive story...should be coming on in the next couple segements...

Katherine Quinn | 9.16.2012 | 38w4d

Ryan Lanman | 9.12.2014 | 40w
2 Losses | 10/2010 @ 5w | 9/2013 @ 10w4d
Little Sprout Blog
Re: Today Show - Jenna Wolf is going to NIP with hidden camera
Katherine Quinn | 9.16.2012 | 38w4d
Ryan Lanman | 9.12.2014 | 40w
2 Losses | 10/2010 @ 5w | 9/2013 @ 10w4d
Little Sprout Blog
True. But I think there are places everywhere in the US where people will turn up their nose...I would hope the lesson will be that it should be a regular occurrence regardless of where you are.
Katherine Quinn | 9.16.2012 | 38w4d
Ryan Lanman | 9.12.2014 | 40w
2 Losses | 10/2010 @ 5w | 9/2013 @ 10w4d
Little Sprout Blog
Katherine Quinn | 9.16.2012 | 38w4d
Ryan Lanman | 9.12.2014 | 40w
2 Losses | 10/2010 @ 5w | 9/2013 @ 10w4d
Little Sprout Blog
Katherine Quinn | 9.16.2012 | 38w4d
Ryan Lanman | 9.12.2014 | 40w
2 Losses | 10/2010 @ 5w | 9/2013 @ 10w4d
Little Sprout Blog
When Eddie was 3 months old we accidentally went to a super fancy restaurant when we were out of town in California. I had read reviews, looked at the website (no prices) and had driven by. I had no idea that it was a $70/plate kinda place til we got inside. My husband would not leave because, in his words, "Who cares? We don't know these people!" Ugh. Anyway, I pretty much breastfed the entire time, with a cover, tucked away in our little corner booth. And I didn't get one nasty look! I have to believe people who noticed were thinking, "At least the kid isn't screaming."
I nursed DD in the middle of grand central station - sitting directly under what I thought was an out of commission vintage mail box. I felt like every other person stopped to admire the mail box & then turns out it was fully operational b/c the mail carrier came to open it up & get the mail out of it! lol No one even noticed me sitting there nursing!
This always seems to happen to me, btw, with nursing. I think I picked a quiet, out of the way spot & the second I start nursing, there are suddenly people all around me.