November 2011 Moms

After 22 months...

my breastfeeding journey has come to an end. DD has finally weaned! She's also starting to STTN! Yay! 
Munchkin born 11/22/11
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Pipsqueak born 6/9/14
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Re: After 22 months...

  • Congrats on breastfeeding for so long.  DS1 only bf'ed until 8 months, but DS2 is still going strong.  I have a feeling DS2 won't STTN until he weans.
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  • Congrats! Mine did the same with STTN. Now, unless he's sick, he goes down and stays down every night. (Yay!)
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  • edited September 2013
    I have been in lurking for a while, just thought I'd pop in. I had to wean my daughter at 20 months, though I cried and was pretty sad about it at first... I have to admit it is pretty awesome to have your body to yourself for the first time in over 2 years. Congrats on going so long and congrats on the weaning, hope it went smoothly :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am so jealous! My son is the same age, but is obsessed with nursing at night and in the morning. Any tips on weaning?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am so jealous! My son is the same age, but is obsessed with nursing at night and in the morning. Any tips on weaning?
    The only thing that worked for me was going away for a week and leaving DD with my parents. She went from nursing an average of 12x/day to none. She still asks to nurse some but I just tell her they're broken. Now she points to my boobs and says broken. 
    Munchkin born 11/22/11
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pipsqueak born 6/9/14
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • I am so jealous! My son is the same age, but is obsessed with nursing at night and in the morning. Any tips on weaning?
    The only thing that worked for me was going away for a week and leaving DD with my parents. She went from nursing an average of 12x/day to none. She still asks to nurse some but I just tell her they're broken. Now she points to my boobs and says broken. 
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  • I am so jealous! My son is the same age, but is obsessed with nursing at night and in the morning. Any tips on weaning?

    Well, it's a proud thing to have been going this long! I had a hard time with my DS because he would nurse to sleep. I wish I had fantastic advice for you, but what put a stop to it was everyone in the house got sick. It was the week before Christmas, and I would follow our usual routine but just didn't nurse him. He was on table foods and we took out a nursing session every 2-3 days. It was bitter sweet, but I was so glad to finally have my body back for myself.  GL!
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  • RedCamaro said:
    I am so jealous! My son is the same age, but is obsessed with nursing at night and in the morning. Any tips on weaning?

    Well, it's a proud thing to have been going this long! I had a hard time with my DS because he would nurse to sleep. I wish I had fantastic advice for you, but what put a stop to it was everyone in the house got sick. It was the week before Christmas, and I would follow our usual routine but just didn't nurse him. He was on table foods and we took out a nursing session every 2-3 days. It was bitter sweet, but I was so glad to finally have my body back for myself.  GL!

    Thanks for the advice! I appreciate it!
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  • Congrats for making it this far.  DD is still nursing but just 1 side at night, and just this week stopped nursing and then just let me rock her to sleep.  She's still nursing for naps and at other random times during the day but our sessions are shorter and shorter.  Bittersweet because I feel like that's the one last piece of her being a baby that I have left.  
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