Baby Names

name already used by family member

DH has a cousin Alexa with the same last name as ours. they're not especially close, but our families are in contact. seems weird to have two Alexa Lastnames. would this be a dealbreaker for you?

Re: name already used by family member

  • If the last name was different I would do it, but since the last name is the same I would keep looking.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Agree - since the last name is the same I have to say its a no go. it would be really weird, especially if you live close. What about Alexia? Its a little different ...
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  • there must be other names you like.

    i wouldn't even use a variation. ?too close.?

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  • yes it probably would be a deal breaker for me.  Maybe you could use a variation of the name. 




  • yup total deal breaker if the last name is the same - sorry!!
  • yeah, I wouldn't be able to use it.
  • I wouldn't use it if there is already one in the family.
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  • If I were the mom I'd be pretty POed that you stole my kids name.
  • Do not do it, My daughter is Alexa and I would not like it if a distant family member used the name
  • with the same last name, I would say don't do it.

    I do know of sisters with different last names once married who both used Aaron (boy) / Erin (girl) and that works.

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  • It would definitely be a deal breaker for me, but I'm crossing names off my list if ANYone I know has a child named the same name.  My cousin just had a baby boy and named him the same name as MS....but we have different last names.  I still think/thought it was weird.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yes.

    Can you pick a similar name like Alexis? Alana...etc..

  • I went to HS with a Meghan and a Megan that were cousins with the same last name.  Same grade and everything (the girls couldn't have been more different, though).
  • That would be a dealbreaker for me. 
  • My married name is the same first/last name as one of DH's cousins.  I have never met her, but I do get her mail sometimes!  Also, I have to get a criminal record check every year (I am a teacher) and they pulled her records instead of mine! 

     Not a huge big deal, but a bit of a pain....


    *Edit-- On the other hand, each girl will probably get married and may change her last name anyways.

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