October 2012 Moms

Not pointing/no talking?

You guys have the right to tell me to CALM THE EFF DOWN, but I'm still worried about L.  He waves a lot mostly when we say "Say bye to ___" or something like that and "points" by putting his pointer finger on pictures in a book (but just touching them not in response to me saying "Point to the moon" or something like that) but doesn't point to show us things and doesn't have any words.  He seems to have comprehension (understands "no" and his name).  Is there anyone on here whose baby is similar or is everyone else's baby doing calculus?  (Which still eludes me.)
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Re: Not pointing/no talking?

  • um words?
    other than da ba! blah blah
    yeah no words, no pointing.

  • Alice does point to things, but rarely on command. And it's only facial features. She loves showing me where my nose is. She is a chatterbox though. (But so am I!) She says "dat" (that) and "Daddy" and "Nana" mostly. She will say hi, bye, hey, yes, and "bop" (stop) when she so desires.


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

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    Oct Angel Babies
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  • Very true, Dix. Alice will be 1 day after tomorrow. On mobile so unsure how much older she is.


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

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    Oct Angel Babies
  • Emma wasnt saying words other then "dog" all the time, I started doing flashcards with her on my phone everyday. Her favorite set is the animals of course. She started to say fish and duck this weekend. I find the best time to do it with her is in the car seat if my husband is driving or in her highchair after she eats. 
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    Lilypie - (52Ft)

  • mrs.ike said:
    Very true, Dix. Alice will be 1 day after tomorrow. On mobile so unsure how much older she is.
    yay bday!
    A full month!

  • No words here either except mama and dada.


  • Um nope. We get "mama" and "dada" occasionally but he just blabs all the time anyways. No pointing either and he waves, but not to actually say hi or bye...just whenever he feels like it. And he will be one in 9 days. I'm not worried about it he walked too early for me anyways (10 months) and I need him to slow the F down with growing!

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  • Wesley just started pointing to everything on Saturday, so no worries.  He can say mama, dada, and bah bah but thats it.  I think your little guy is just fine. No worries!


  • Thanks guys!  I feel like with L's low muscle tone I am always on the look out for the next thing since I feel like the worst mom in the world for taking the "he'll just do it on his own approach" for sitting and it turns out he needed PT.  No friends around here IRL (except dix) with bebes makes me a Nervous Nellie.

    @BeaF12 going to send you a PM re apraxia

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  • We are not really pointing, except to the ceiling fan--but it's not with his pointer finger it's with his whole hand. I also kind of worry about that!


    TTC #2 since July 2014
    BFP 9/27/14
    MMC discovered 10/27/14, D&C 11/4/14
  • No pointing, no talking. But she does chat to all the birds and dogs she sees, so I think she just doesn't talk English.
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  • DS is the youngest here - he's 10.5 months.  No pointing.  No words either, just babbling yayaya.  ACtually, there seems to be one word he says a lot - GAH- but neither I nor DH have any idea of what that means.  

    He does understand a little.  When DH is almost home (I can see him but DS cannot), I'll say, "Dada is home!" and DS will stop his playing and crawl towards the gate (which leads to the stairs down to the garage), and stands at the gate until DH gets in.
    TTC since 10/2008  RE consult 6/2010 Dx:Unexplaied IF

    Failed multiple cycles of Clomid+TI and Clomid+IUI

    3/2011 inj+IUI #1 BFP. 4/2011 missed m/c. 

    Fall 2011 inj+IUI #2&3 BFN

    Jan/Feb 2012 IVF#1 BFP 2/23  EDD 10/31/2012 ~~~ Halloween ~~~

    Our IVF miracle, Baby Boy M, arrived on 11/8/2012!
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  • Boyo's language is about where yours is at.  His one true word is 'uh-oh,' but I have heard 'mama,' 'baba,' and 'dada, but probably only once or twice each in the past two months.  He points all the time, but to get my attention only really.  One thing he does that DD didn't do at this age is hum, and I l.o.v.e. it!  It's so sweet.  He loves music.

    For the record, my whole experience with girl first, then boy has been a real mind-mess in terms of trying not to expect things.  By 11 months, I think DD had 15-20 words (crazy verbal), and as I said, DS has 1.  It's a good reminder for me that it really is up to the kid.
  • I didn't actually know that these were things we could/should be doing at this stage.
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