in the last week we have gone from sleeping 10 to 11 hours a night to 4 or 5 interrupted hours. I am going h is working 2 jobs right now and is gone a lot, I just feel really defeated. Do kids normally do this? Would it be worth a pedi visit? I feel like they can't help much but I am desperate.
Re: please help, my kid stopped sleeping
Then we moved her to a mattress on the floor in her room with us rocking her to sleep. She would STTN for the most part until a month before DD2 was born.
We then did modified cry it out a couple weeks ago (she turned two yesterday) because she was getting up so much and DH was basically sleeping with her for a couple weeks.
She has since gone to sleep on her own at naps and bedtime with no wake ups at night. I would never had thought we would do sleep training but I was at the end of my rope with fighting her to get to sleep/ stay asleep and dealing with a newborn.
We are still in awe for every sleep time that she just gets into bed and says night night and smiles.
Do what works for everyone to sleep!
Her sleep has been so crappy from the very first night she was born.
Hope this phase passes for you quickly!