High-Risk Pregnancy

Tuesday Bedrest Check In

It's a cold Tuesday here in NYC :-)

How did you ladies sleep?

Milestones, updates, appts?

Qotd: If you can add one thing to bedrest to make it easier, what would you add?

Re: Tuesday Bedrest Check In

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    Morning. I've been up forever. Can't sleep with my apt coming up at 1130!!!! This is a BIG one with MFM. I'm hoping for the best, preparing for the worst-- bringing my hospital bag with me!

    34 and 6 today :)

    I would add some sort of delivery/ room service available for all bed resters :) yesterday I had a cry fest because I didn't have Oreos lol DH picked up 3 kinds on his way home lol. I love that man!!! They would also deliver mani/pedis and hair cuts and massages etc

    Sawyer Lynn <3 Born 10.11.13

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    Good morning ladies!  Didn't sleep all that well, my mind was working overtime playing out all possibilities of my poor funneling cervix ;-)  Tomorrow I will have the follow up U/S to see if the Indocin is working on the funneling; fingers crossed!

    @marianazo0 Almost 37-AWESOME! 

    I also agree on the mani/pedi spa services, that would be such a wonderful thing!
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    Slept well last night.

    Nothing new for me today, just looking forward to having filet mignon and a small glass of wine for my bday tonight- of course I will be eating/drinking it in my recliner since my uterus doesn't like when I sit all the way up!

    I agree with the spa services too- I had been planning on getting a haircut and dye right about now, but now I'm stuck with gray roots a couple inches long- yuck!  If I make it to 34 or 36, maybe I'll do a quick dye job at home.  If not, my first trip out without baby after he/she is born will hopefully be to the salon!

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    I've actually been sleeping a lot better.  I have no idea why, but I'm not complaining.  I actually woke up after my husband this morning, granted probably by only 10 or 15 mintues, but usually I'm up hours before him.

    No news.  Horrible storm today so the satellite has completely lost signal.  I guess I'll be reading.36+3 today...counting the days...

    QOTD: mani/pedi at my house would be amazing, I so agree!

    Mom to one in heaven. Mom to one here on Earth.

    BFP - 12/1
    First U/S - 12/11 Saw heartbeat
    Second U/S - 12/18 HR 120 BPM 
    Third U/S - 12/23/2014 HR 150 BPM

    Due Date - 8/8/2015 
    Arrival Date - 8/3/2015 - Asher David 8 lbs 5 oz 21 1/2"



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    I just realized I didnt check in. 

    I slept OK yesterday. Battling my raid heart rate, I was able to get at least 5hrs of sleep..

    Days have been feeling so long lately. I called my Dr because i was worried about my itching and read something about Cholestasis. Although i dont think thats what it is because i get itchy after taking a shower. I think its more dry skin but we going to draw my liver panel just in case. I also want to check my iron because i have been craving ice like a maniac these days. lol..Since i take the gummie prenatals and they dont have iron my mom dropped off some iron supplements yesterday. She also brought my package i had delivered to her from carters. Boy are they true to its size. I bought a few new born clothes and they are so tiny :)

    QOTD: I would like a butler and of course my own Spa worker to give me mani/pedi and massages.. Ahhhhhhhhhh.. One can only wish...

    Mariana best of luck.. I hope your pre-e isnt so bad and they can keep little on in at least till 36wks..

    Sft can we drink wine? lol

    WSatisfied few more days till term.. woot woot

    Morgan Fingers crossed but super glad contractions have calm down.. Talk to your uterus and tell her to chill and stop trying to steal the spotlight. 

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    Hey all!  I slept super well last night....but the better news is that I am going home today!!!  YAY!!  I got my walking papers and I am on modified bed rest at home.  I think my OB that was in today has a very liberal view of bed rest, which I am glad about because I am not good at sitting still.  I still have to relax and I am not allowed to do any "work" but I can shower, make lunch, sit with DS and play cars, that kind of stuff.  Apparently I am even allowed to drive to my doc appts.   

    QOTD:  the one thing I would change about hospital bed rest....I wish they had a "store" of things to do at the hospital.  Like craft kits you can buy, books to rent, board games or cards.  Also...I agree with the mani/pedi situation....my feet are so gross and I can't reach them:(  Would also love an on staff masseuse, actually I would take that over the pedicure!!



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    Slept from 10:30-midnight. Could not get back to sleep so came out to the couch and watched tv I would sleep for a bit then wake up again this happened all night. Then had a good few hours from 6-9. I had my MFM appointment yesterday both babies weigh 3lbs 5oz!! They are getting big! My cervix is pretty much gone they couldn't even measure it because it was so short but I've had a shortening cervix with funneling since 22 weeks so they are very happy that I made it this far. Still hoping to make it to at least 34 weeks though! Dr could see I was having a contraction while he was doing the ultrasound, he checked me and I'm still 2 cm dilated, I've been that way for 2 weeks so at least this contractions aren't making me dilate any further. Spa services would be amazing!! I need a haircut, eyebrow wax and mani/pedi so so bad!!!
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    There is a clear pattern here! Opening an in home/hospital maternity spa experience business might be a good idea!!! I'm on it!



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    kneenah- my OB said a glass of wine a week is ok at this point, and I actually read some posts online that midwifes sometimes "prescribe" wine to stop contractions, because it relaxes the muscles, so between those two facts and having lots of friends who had a glass here and there in the third trimester, I am allowing myself a drink tonight!
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    Update: 33 weeks! And I'm home! They did a cervix check this morning and I held steady at .7cm. That's my last cervix check. The babies looked great on u/s and NSTs. I can't believe I'm here after 9 weeks. I am a bit nervous about recognizing my contractions which has always been a big problem for me. However, they want me to start looking for painful ones vs. BH, so I think I can manage that. Just relax and trust myself.

    One month before my scheduled C section!

    QOTD: What would I add to bedrest? More comfortable pillows or beds! I could not get comfy in that bed! At the end of hospital bed rest, I had 7 pillows in the skinny twin bed with me. There's got to be a better way. Yea, I agree with the pedicure service too. I took care of my feet at 28 weeks and I think that's it until the kids are here.
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    Yay 10-4 and sms so happy you both got to go home!
    Sftbal enjoy your glass of wine. Yummy!!!
    Gsk yay those babies are growing!! You're doing awesome!
    Satisfied so close to 37!!!!!!
    Morgan are you on trendenlenburgs with a catheter?!? Praying for you and your LO (hugs)

    I bought myself at least 3 more days at home bedrest vs hospital :) everything looked great this morning. Follow up apt Friday! And will decidedly be delivering at 37 weeks the latest - peri will not let me go any further!

    Sawyer Lynn <3 Born 10.11.13

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    @marianaz0 I'm not on trendenlenburgs with a catheter...I'm not familiar.  About to google :-)  Thank you for T&P. Very much appreciated!
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    Welcome home @10-4LilBuddy
    Mom to one in heaven. Mom to one here on Earth.

    BFP - 12/1
    First U/S - 12/11 Saw heartbeat
    Second U/S - 12/18 HR 120 BPM 
    Third U/S - 12/23/2014 HR 150 BPM

    Due Date - 8/8/2015 
    Arrival Date - 8/3/2015 - Asher David 8 lbs 5 oz 21 1/2"



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