
DD is lethargic. What could it be?

She is so freakin sleepy.  She fell asleep last night while we ate dinner and slept in with DH until 10 ish today (she's usually up at 7 on the dot).  She's sleeping now again after falling asleep during lunch.

She has no fever, no other symptoms and is eating/drinking.  Any ideas?  She's never been like this before.

Re: DD is lethargic. What could it be?

  • Is she lethagic or has she just been tired more often than usual? When ds1 had rotavirus he was so lethargic that when I put him down, he actually fell over.
  • and she seems to feel fine when she is up? growth spurt maybe?


    fyi, when DD was sick before and got very sleepy, i told her pedi she was lethargic. i was informed that "lethargic" means that you cant wake a sleeping baby and it buys you an ambulance ride.not sure how this works since i'm pretty sure the definition of lethargic includes general tiredness etc, but you may want to keep that in mind so you dont freak out any medical staff.

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  • imagekjlrs:

    and she seems to feel fine when she is up? growth spurt maybe?


    fyi, when DD was sick before and got very sleepy, i told her pedi she was lethargic. i was informed that "lethargic" means that you cant wake a sleeping baby and it buys you an ambulance ride.not sure how this works since i'm pretty sure the definition of lethargic includes general tiredness etc, but you may want to keep that in mind so you dont freak out any medical staff.

    excatly what I was thinking...

     If she's just sleepy, I'd say growth spurt... if you're having any other issue, I'd call the doc.

  • I agree that it may just be a growth spurt...L slept a ton the other day right after Christmas, I think all the craziness just caught up to him and he napped for 4 hours...I finally woke him up. 
  • Could be a growth spurt.  Does she take vitamins?  Could she not be getting enough iron?  The only time Madelyn sleeps that much is right after she has been sick, or when she needs a good dose of protein.
  • thanks ladies.  Yeah lethargic maybe not the most accurate term.  She's not falling over tired but she put her head down on the table and fell asleep at lunch.  It's just very out of character for her.  She is on multivitamin and had her iron tested at her two year appt so I think we're good there.

    Maybe I'll let her sleep and call pedi if I notice anything after her nap.

  • DD was like that on Friday, then the fever hit her shortly after that. She's had a fever all weekend and is back to pretty much normal now, but had thta look that was just "out of it"
    Samantha Skye - Aug 30, 2006 AND Maxwell Griffin - April 14, 2009
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • yup, she woke up with a little fever (100.2).  Poor girl.
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