Toddlers: 24 Months+

"i don't yike you"

ugh. he can't even pronounce it yet, and he's already telling me he doesn't like me. I'm not super concerned bc he doesn't seem to like anything. his dad, his brother, his school, mac and cheese . . at any given moment he likes nothing. i assume it's a phase--he turned 2.5 last month.

I would like to approach this the right way though. I have tried telling him it's not nice and makes mommy sad. I've tried telling him that instead of saying that he can express his feelings . . .tell me why's he mad at me, i've ignored it . . .i'm not sure any of these have worked all that well and i'm curious if anyone else's kid is doing this and how you're reacting. Like I said, i figure it's just a phase, but i dont' want to have that 10 year old who's telling me he hates me becasue i don't deal with it the right way now.


Re: "i don't yike you"

  • I wish I knew! My son is obsessed with yelling "no" and running away from me when I tell him to come here. Its soo embarrassing!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I get "Mommy, you go away! Go away!"
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  • I wish I could tell you it gets better. My 4 year old tells me that I hurt her heart when I fuss at her or she doesn't get her way.
  • My daughter told me I was ruining her life between 4-8. I told her often that it's okay to be mad at me and not like what I'm doing but there are nicer ways to express that. I'd give her an example of a better way to tell me how she feels, tell her I love her, and try to listen when she did talk about it, but expressing feelings are new and complex for many kids. She almost never says stuff like that now and will even tell me later that she's sorry for the way she reacted. I let her know I understand she's mad and it is okay to be mad. Even if it's just a stage, always validate their feelings but help them find better ways of expressing them. It might not click for years, but hopefully they get it. I secretly cried for awhile when she was closer to 8, but I'm so glad I stayed consistent because I feel like I actually taught her something! It feels good to know she is starting to care about how what she does affects me. It took 4 years but it's finally clicking little by little! Lol.
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