Baby Names

What 'criteria' do you have when picking a name, if any?

Do you choose names that you just like? Or do you have specific criteria that you wish to go by when you pick a name?  And do you have criteria about names NOT to pick? I'm just curious!  :)

For instance, I would like to pick a name that has a meaningful connection in some way-- preferably to honor a family member through use of their first or middle name or a slight variation on it, or to reflect our heritage.  I also prefer a name that is not in the top 10 at least, but I also don't want one that is completely obscure (like not even in the top 1000).  'Flow' of first and middle name don't matter to me, but flow with our last name does matter.  We have a one syllable last name, so one syllable first names are not an option.  Also, I won't pick a name that one of my siblings or close friends has named their child.

How about you?

Re: What 'criteria' do you have when picking a name, if any?

  • Many of your "rules" apply to me (flowing with the LN, not being used by family already). I tend to avoid names that are very popular, mostly because I get sick of hearing them and they lose their charm (the popularity doesn't bother me up to a certain point, and there are a few names, like Ava, Harper, and James, that I never get tired of hearing).

    It has to be a legitimate name (or word. I like word names). It has to be a legitimate spelling, and I tend to gravitate towards the most common legitimate spelling unless there's a really good reason to use an alternative one (family name, cultural/heritage connection).

    With DD1 I made a point to find a name that doesn't have an intuitive NN. I didn't worry about that with DD2; actually, because DD2's name is kind of weird, I liked that she'd have several more "normal" NNs to choose from if she didn't like her full name. (Though I do generally prefer names that don't have NNs. If a name does have an intuitive NN, I have to like the NN; so Seraphina and Annabelle have both been nixed because I don't like Sera or Anna/Annie). DD1 has a familiar, easy to spell/pronounce name. DD2's name isn't in the Top 1000, but it's fairly easy to pronounce if not easy to spell.

    If this LO is a girl, she'll have a Top 100 (possibly Top 50, depending on the 2013 SSA list) name that's familiar, easy to spell/pronounce and has no natural NNs.

    I tend to like finding names with a different initial from the names we've used previously, but that's not a "must."

    The sibset thing isn't particularly important to me, though the fact that DDs' names are clearly feminine has made me dismiss a lot of the "unisex/boys' names on girls" I like because I know people would assume we had two girls and a boy.

    I put zero stock in the "CEO test" and similar "professional" considerations, mostly because I believe there are only a few truly crippling names and I already hate all of them.

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  • Family middle names. It could be an actual name or a connection we can make through a name such as meaning

    Literary first names. We really want this but if we don't end up LOVING any names we will choose another and be just as happy. 

    Chosen names for future children are 
    Oscar Justin (FN-Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close MN-H MN)
    Annabel Rose (FN-Annabel Lee poem MN- Foster sisters MN)
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    Love: March 2010  Marriage: July 2013  Debt Free: October 2014  TTC: April 2015
     BFP: April 10, 2016 EDD: December 19, 2016 Team Blue!
    Oscar born November 20, 2016 at 35w6d

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  • The only criteria I have is that if the name ia not too popular and my husband and I agree on it(which rarely happens) then we'll pick it.
  • I want it in the top 1000, that list is like my inspiration :) But not too popular like top 10. However my top name for a girl is within top 25 which at first I didn't like but I love the name so much (Lillian) I'll go with it. DH and I have to agree on it. No family significance required. Flow with LN is somewhat important and sibset sounding similar is important. I love girl named Dakota but after our first one Annabelle I didn't like the sound of that sibset.
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  • We wanted names that honored either family or heritage.  I did want fn mn to flow and fn ln to flow.  I don't really care much about the sibset, but I want to avoid unisex names for any girls.  

    I do want to avoid names of close relatives and friends kids.  And, I'd prefer not top 10 names, but if we love it, then we love it. 
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  • I wanted to have some connection to a family name on my side. DH isn't close to his family, so that is off the table. I like a good meaning to the name, it has to sound good with our long last name, I prefer the first name to work in multiple languages especially Spanish, and a good sib set is very important.
    IVF, acupuncture, meditation and a miracle. 


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  • I look for real, but underused names. Connections with family aren't really that important to me (I'd rather honor my mother by teaching my kids things she taught me, than by using her name) I try to avoid the top 500, but sometimes I make exceptions for boys because I struggle more with male names. I always avoid the top 100, though, and I try to avoid things that are rising quickly. 
    I like a good meaning, I try to avoid religion-based name meanings, since we aren't religious. 
    I do like literary or lyrical connections. DD (Ramona) is named for the Beverly Cleary series, the Bryan Lee O'Malley series, and the Bob Dylan song. I like that there are multiple connections, because it makes it more likely that she will like at least one of those things. But even if she doesn't, it's not an overwhelming connection like if I named a child Hermione or Huckleberry Finn. 
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  • 1. Honor family in some way - same name, variant of the name, or same initial

    2. Fit with our heritage (ie, I wouldn't use a name that is clearly from a culture neither of us has a connection to.

    3. I need to like the meaning of the name.

    4. Not a name used by relatives or close friends

    5. Sounds good with our last name.

    6. Ages well and would look professional on a resume.

    7. If there is an obvious nickname, I have to like it too.

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  • I have to be able to imagine being named that. That's pretty much my only rule. I think about introducing myself, answering the phone at work, my friends calling my name etc. If I would like being named it then it passes.

    Other than that I don't have a single rule that doesn't have exceptions.

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  • 1. Real name - not made up, no unique spellings.
    2. Can't start with the same initial as our last name, DH or my first name, or the letter V (and for future children, can't start with the same initial as our son's name)
    3. Can't rhyme with our last name (and for future children can't rhyme with our son's name)
    4. Not used by any friends or family.
    5. Preferably not top 100 (although my son's name is in the top 100)
    6. Middle name is a family name.

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  • I look first at the sound of a name, just if I like it or not. I then think about the meaning because I hate it when you hear a great name with a bad meaning. Next I consider the trendiness level-- I don't care for trendy names. I also consider how it sounds w last name, sub names, etc. With middle names, I almost only consider meaning. I really like family names for middle names.
  • I don't necessarily have a problem with using a name that someone I know will use (except if it is either my or DH's immediate family).

    We try to use FNs that are unique to that child (i.e. we don't specifically name after family).

    Middle name has to start with same first initial as DH's middle name.  It is ok if it is a "family" name. For instance, DS's MN is DH's MN; if we have another boy, his middle name will be after an uncle on my father's side of the family. 

    Prefer feminine girl names and traditional boy names. 

    I don't care if names are in the top 5 or 10 or 100, as long as I like them.  However, I prefer if our girls names aren't in the top 20, but if I really liked it, I'd use it.

    Prefer boy names to have NN potential. Rather not use nn for girl names.

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

  • I like nicknames. I don't like single syllables. Middle name should have sofnificance (preferably honoring a family memer)

    I am wavering on my first two requirements for our boy name since DH and I can't agree on anything!! He loves Rhys- I like it but it doesnt have nn options and is one syllable: I still haven't said yes but it's growing on me
    <3 Delaney. 4.5.12. <3 <br> Photobucket
  • diamondduck13diamondduck13 member
    edited September 2013
    For MNs, I like to pick a grandparent or great grandparent FN to honor

    For FNs, I like to start with the family tree, but whether on or off the tree, I like names which are:

    Outside the top 10, preferably outside the top 25, and otherwise don't feel too popular or trendy. Also avoid names which family or friends have used

    Names that have only been names, and were around 100 years ago (I don't like place, virtue, seasonal/month, occupational or other names that also mean something else in everyday conversation. I also don't like LN as FN, unless its a family surname that has some established familiarity/use as a FN)

    Familiar, pronounceable, spellable, and not cutesy. Cutesy is NMS and I don't like it on adults. I think seriously about the fact I'm essentially naming an adult because childhood is so fleeting.

    I find I prefer shorter names that start with consonants (I'm tied of all these E, A, and I names for females; also tired of all the -ellle names. And -lynn names are very much NMS)

    Avoid alliteration and rhyming with the LN, and preferably avoid with the MN

    Don't worry too much about FN-MN or sibling flow, as long as doesnt sound too ridiculous together

    ETA forgot a big one: no gender ambiguous names, only boy names for boys, and girl names for girls
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  • I prefer literary names that have some meaning or significance to DH and I - usually characters from our favorite childhood books or good role models from history. We use family names in the mn spot. The name needs to be easy to pronounce and spell to the general public (though I'd break that rule if I could ever get DH on board with Hermione). We both have to agree on the name, which is a challenge since I usually prefer traditional or unique literary names and DH likes trendy, modern names.
    image image
  • Oh I have a lot of criteria!

    1. Has to sound good in English and French (we live in Quebec)

    2. Not popular (out of top 100 for sure), but familiar to the general public (kid won't be asked how to spell it every time)

    3. 3 syllables max (DH has a long last name)

    4. Welsh middle name

    Oscar born October 2011

    Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)

    DD due September 1, 2014

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  • 1. Girls get girl names, boys get boy names.
    2. Only real names spelled correctly will be considered.
    3. The FN needs to flow at least decently with our last name. Luckily our last name is really easy, we haven't run into any issues with this.
    4. Nothing super trendy/popular. Pretty much I definitely want to stay out of the top 10. Some of the top 10 names are great, but I don't want our kids to have to share with a bunch of other kids.
    5. DH and I have to completely agree. I don't believe our children's names should be something we compromise on.

    That's pretty much it. We don't have rules about syllables, sibsets, alliteration, meaning, or family connection.
    TTC since June, 2011 with anovulatory PCOS, 1 blocked tube, and mild MFI
    3rd cycles clomid + Ovidrel = BFN
    4th cycles letrozole/Ovidrel + IUI = BFN
    IVF #1 = BFP! Twins due 2/5/2014
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • It needs to be a real, correctly spelled name.  Preferably uncommon. 

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  • 1) real name! (unless we use my mom's misspelled name :-p)
    2) one of fn/mn is a family name, the other is a Biblical name (doesn't matter which order)
    3) meaning
    4) flow (not AS important) - and initials (including future initials - I wouldn't give my girl the initials A. S. _)
    5) not too popular - preferably not top 100.  We are considering some names, that are real names, which are not even in the top 1000 (although we're considering one in the 90's).  I don't mind if they're a little dated :).
  • 1must be legitimate name with historical precedent and meaning

    2 must be legitimate spelling.

    3 must not be top 100.

    4 most common nickname must not be top 50. (I love Lilith but Lily is to popular)

    5 must be easily pronounceable

    6 must have family MN
    Me-Caciona (30) DH- Dave (41) 9/27/08
    Mommy to Nils David since 9/21/11
    Expecting Serafina Ann  around 4/23/2014


  • NerdyLucyNerdyLucy member
    edited September 2013

    I prefer the first name to not start with a B, as that's the first letter of the last name the child will have.

    I prefer real names with history.

    I like the idea of a family name being in there somewhere, probably the middle name.

    My pet names are have a literary or musical reference, but I don't get too hung up on that for baby names.  I'm okay with some biblical names, but if they're "too biblical" I don't like them.  We're not particularly religious.  Saint names aren't an issue though.  A lot of traditional or classic names fall into that category.

    I typically don't like names in the top 100, but some names I like are.  Henry is one, Julia is another.  Julia, however, is a family name, and therefore I don't mind the popularity.  I definitely don't want top 10 though.

    I don't care if the name has a natural nickname or not.  I generally would prefer to call them by their formal name.  Example: family name Margaret, but I hate Maggie.

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  • edited September 2013
    We like traditional names. FN can't be the name of a relative or close friend, which is really hard because DH has so many friends. I prefer Jewish/biblical FN but we couldn't agree on one for DD and we ended up with a very Christian name instead. Has to be spelled the same in French and English (we again failed with DD's name) and pronounced more or less the same in both languages. Can't be spelled with any accents in French. Not a top 20 name. MN after a deceased relative, flow with FN doesn't matter. I'd prefer to make the Hebrew name either the FN or MN but again it didn't work out for DD, so we went with a Hebrew name that could be a nickname for her FN.

    ETA no names that start with S so we don't end up with initials SS
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  • These criteria don't necessarily reflect my taste by itself (left to my own devices, I'd probably just use biblical and saints' names), but they are what DH and I seem to agree on.  Exceptions abound, but general rules are:

    1. No monosyllabic first names (our last name is one syllable) or names that end in or contain a strong s or sh sound (our LN starts with sch-).  This rule is flexible and we almost broke it with DS.

    2. Initials can't combine with our last name to form anything like A.S.S.  But we did inflict A.R.S. upon our daughter.  I'm sure she'll live.

    3. Names must have some previous existence and meaning even if, as is the case with DD's name (my mom's unusual maiden name), other people might think they're made up.

    4. Family middle names.  This has never even been a question, and I doubt we'd run out of material before I run out of eggs.

    5. Needs to pass the president/Supreme Court justice test.

    6. Masculine names for boys, feminine names for girls.

    7. So far all the names we've used have family or personal significance, although I'm not sure that would continue if we have more kids.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
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