August 2013 Moms


Mom2bois85Mom2bois85 member
edited September 2013 in August 2013 Moms
I know there was a thread about this awhile back and I suggested the borax and sugar water traps...well this year it's not working? Anyone have any better suggestions? These ants are tiny black ants instead of red like last year. I dunno what to do...I vacuum like crazy, keep everything clean, no crumbs, no food left out etc and they are still coming in! Ugh frustration! Help! Tia!

Era tiny black ants as opposed to tiny red ants not the huge ones that grow wings...



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Re: Ants

  • We use cinnamon to keep them away. GL
    Feeling like a big bloated hormonal whale of a tale. It's awesome.
  • We had these but then DH picked up an and spray at Home Depot

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  • Febreeze clean linen works wonders :D
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  • I like the Torro gel. You can get it in traps or a squeeze tube. Either way works wonders. We currently have the tube and I just squirt some under our appliances and in cracks by the sliding glass door (where I think they come in) and they are gone within a day or two.
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  • I heard about using cornstarch. Not sure how well it works.
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  • I had an ant thread a few months ago! I ended up Raiding the shit out of my kitchen and then wiping up all the dead ant bodies with a Clorox wipe. I couldn't handle waiting for them to carry a poison back home- I wanted them dead rightnow!
    Afterwards DH sprayed the outside perimeter of the house and we haven't had an issue since (crosses fingers). I say, if you've got them, go in with the big guns first.
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  • Thanks ladies!



    BabyFruit Ticker

    j13 sept. siggy challenge: Apples:

  • We had the tiny red ones in our kitchen window a few weeks ago. We did the Torro gel traps & sprayed around the outside. I've heard the cinnamon thing too.
  • We had an ant nest in our electrical outlet this year. It was in the kitchen. We had some raid spray in a blue bottle. Also some liquid gel traps.
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