found this article regarding something that happened in my state (Michigan) a few years ago. Apparently some whacko parents yanked their kid out of school and said they were homeschooling her, then she died in a housefire while strapped to her bed. Obiously horrific and tragic. However, the article goes on to basically blame our state's lenient homeschooling laws for her death.
Wait. What?! Rewind Tape.
That makes absolutely no logical sense to me. I'm failing to see any correlation between this tragedy and homeschooling laws. This girl could have been going to public school by day and getting abused by night! Do they think that because these parents were declared homeschoolers, they felt more liberty to abuse their child in "private"? Makes no sense.
"That’s why Michigan should take a hard look the current situation and strengthen state regulations and guidelines. Today there are no instruction-time requirements, no curriculum standards, no minimum education level for the teachers and no testing. Astonishingly, parents eligible to teach their children at home range from college-educated to convicted murderers."
Unreal. I feel all enraged at whoever wrote this article. Clearly they're not too bright.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Re: Bizarre Article
Some of the comments to the article are quite comical. It's good to know that others spoke up when this was first written.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
That said, back home in Wisconsin a few years ago, these parents were arrested after their 17 yr old daughter was found dead, chained in the basement by a dog collar weighing only 38lbs. Their other 5 children were enrolled in an expensive and excellent private school. Being homeschooled had nothing to do with this family's atrocities.
I'm with you, Ritzy, I'm just glad that people were justifying homeschooling in the comments. The public school my DD would have to attend here has a 99.9% FAILURE rate at meeting MINIMUM state achievement requirements.