Ohio Babies

Feeling bullied

ldubayldubay member
edited July 2021 in Ohio Babies
Need help and advice!! I'm 38 weeks and I like my OB a lot... However I think I'm being bullied into having an induction and I don't know what to do. I've talked to her multiple times about how I want as natural of a birth as possible for my baby (i am planning a Hypnobirthing experience) and she consistently said she was okay with that. I have gestational diabetes (well controlled), and the topic of induction came up. I'm okay with being induced, but having it as minimally invasive as possible. At today's Appt. tho, I got the sheet that explains the entire process and it freaks me out!! This is NOT what I want and I'm so close to my due date (Oct 2nd is induction date, 3rd is due date) that I think it will be hard to find another doctor. BUT, being my first pregnancy, I want to be careful as well. Like I said, I'm open to induction with minimal intervention or as medically necessary, but I'm getting the feeling my wishes are just being dusted under the table. I even asked my OB early on so I could change practices if necessary, but she seemed okay with everything, and I suppose I blew off the tiny red flags that may have been there at the time. If I continue with the induction, will the hospital (St. Anne's) allow me to dictate what I want and don't want with the induction... (Are catheters REALLY necessary!!!)? What do I do? Please help!!!

Re: Feeling bullied

  • If you have an epi I believe a catheter is necessary. I could be wrong though.
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  • I'd be honest with your doctor and tell her how you feel. Explain that you're confused why she was okay with you going natural at the beginning of your pregnancy and not she doesn't seem to be.

    Pitocin doesn't mean you have to get the epidural. If you get the epidural, though, yes, you do have to have the catheter. Epidural means you're laying in bed and can't get up to go to the bathroom.


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  • If you have an epi I believe a catheter is necessary. I could be wrong though.

    Yes- true! You won't have bladder control and they want your bladder empty.
  • I don't know the in's & out's of an induction, but I do know that St. Ann's cares very much about patients' wishes.  While I was there, I had a whole list of my wishes (too many probably) & they wrote most of them up on a board & followed every one in the delivery room without any hesitation.  Now, I also had a midwife that was very pro-natural birth & pro-my choice, even when I began to waiver, so I don't know how your OB's opinions may change St. Ann's practices, but I think you're going to a great hospital.  You could always call another office (a natural birth-friendly one) and see what they say about your options, or you could consider getting a doula.  I've heard of moms both changing practices & hiring a doula at the last minute, so don't think you're out of options.  You should have the chance to try for the birth experience you want, as long as it's safe for you & baby.

    If it helps, these lovely ladies delivered my baby.  Perhaps they could answer your questions:  https://medicalcenter.osu.edu/obgyn/care-and-research/services/midwifery/pages/index.aspx

    Good luck!
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