Health & Exercise

If you were "benched" during 1st tri...

were you able to return to exercising in your 2nd tri? I didn't exercise really at all with DD, but began running at the new year and completed my first half in June. I was hoping to run another half in December, whether pregnant or not, I got a BFP in mid-August and continued running medium distances (for me) with dr's clearance. I started spotting after our 1st ultrasound and it didn't stop or slow down for weeks. I mentioned it and was told as long as it's not red blood (which it is not) I'm fine to continue. Fast forward to last week and at our recent appointment I was told I had to stop until I was safely out of the 1st tri (9 weeks tomorrow). I'm bummed, but obviously want to do whatever necessary to keep this baby safe. So all that to ask, if you had to stop running in 1st tri, were you able to do ok through your 2nd tri? I'm allowed to do low impact/limited low cardio (walking or yoga) and I'm obviously expecting to have to start slow, but any advice and stories are appreciated!! Thanks ladies!
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Re: If you were "benched" during 1st tri...

  • I started doing more low impact work outs once I was out of first tri

    yoga, walking on incline, hiking, biking.

    my doc said I could continue to run, since I was a runner prior to- but I felt bad for the baby. bouncing all over the place hahaha. so I stopped and started running again after DD was born.
  • With number 1, I was benched during first tri and was able to return to working out for about a month or two before I was benched again. :( 

    I would think that if you could continue with low impact exercises, that as long as you continued doing them that it would be doable to start up again here in a few weeks. You may not have the same endurance, but I think that is going to be true regardless just from being pregnant.

    IF DX: DOR & Fragile X pre-mutation carrier
    2011: FSH 13.3 & E 99; AMH 0.54 2nd FSH 6.2 E 40's AFC: 8
    BFP from Clomid/IUI ~ Pre-e and IUGR during pregnancy ~ DS born 9/4/12
    Feb./March 2013: AMH less than 0.16 (undectable) and AFC = 4;
    BFP from supps ~ DS#2 due May 2014

    May 2014 January Siggy Challenge:
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  • I stopped running during the first trimester, mostly because I was so sick.  Now that I am into the second and finally feeling better, I am looking for motivation to get back at it.  I will ask the doctor what he thinks on Monday, but I know I plan to start cross country skiing more often, now that I feel like myself again.  For some reason, I have lost the urge to run these days.  I figure I will embrace it, but still keep active.  I certainly expect to be needing a nice long run after the babies are born.


  • With both pregnancies I was too ill and too nauseous to workout during my 1st trimester and I love working out. But each time I have come back better than ever in my second tri. Of course take your time slowly get back into your pre-baby routine, but a little challenge is good for both you and the baby. As long as you feel healthy, strong, and the Dr. gives you the okay, I'd say heck yeah get back into it. It might mean you need a support belt or to slow you pace a bit, but the second trimester for many is when you feel the greatest. I could not imagine having to hang up my shoes because of pregnancy, because it is so good for you and the baby. I honestly feel terrible for people who can't workout because of some health related issue, and I thank my lucky stars I can.

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