Baby Names

Which girl name?

edited September 2013 in Baby Names
Middle name Catherine

Which girl name? 121 votes

24% 30 votes
71% 86 votes
4% 5 votes

Re: Which girl name?

  • Scarlett is definitely the best option. Your style seems all over the place.
  • Scarlett is so beautiful! 
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  • Love Scarlett. Hallie is okay, but seems like a nn. The Halle spelling seems more finished. Ryann is NMS at all.

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  • Love Scarlett.
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  • Scarlett!
    image image
  • mj.reilly said:

    Scarlett by default. It is NMS, but by FAAAR the best option. And everything that @Joy2611 said.


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  • Joy2611 said:
    Scarlett.  Ryann isn't a girl's name no matter how many Ns you put there and Hallie is eternally little girly to me.
    So I voted Ryann just because it's my name and I've only ever met one other girl named Ryan in my life. We both spelled it regular though Ryan which I like vs trying to change it. My mom said it was the name of a soap opera in  her day, Ryan's Hope. I've found it makes me memorable to people and I get a few laughs to see people's reactions when they think I'll be a guy.
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  • Scarlett! I adore Scarlett. That will be this LO's name if it's a girl. Unlike PP, I love Ryan on a girl. I always have. I just prefer using the traditional spelling. Hallie is okay. A nice name, but kind of "meh" for me.
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  • I like them all. In order, Ryan(spelling), Halle and then Scarlett. I know most on this board do not like boy names on girls or last names, but I still like Ryan on a girl! Halle is adorable-my hubby doesn't like.
  • I think Ryan is cute for a girl! In order I like Ryan, Scarlett, and then Halle.
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