

I stayed at a hotel for 3 nights this past week to be in my best friends wedding.  The hotel was absolutely awful.  The carpet was stained and filthy, the sheets that were supposed to be white were stained yellow (I sprayed lysol all over the bed and everything in the room before I would touch it), the blankets were like sand paper and huge holes in them, the shower didn't drain right, the toilet didn't flush right, the towels were paper thin and stained.  The craziest part to is that they didn't even have clean towels available at the front desk when we needed them, my bestfriends dad lived nearby and had to bring us towels so we could shower.  I asked for a manger and one was not available to take my complaints and the bitch at the front desk didn't give a shit.  It was the motel 6 so it was cheap and I wasn't expecting a 4 star hotel but seriously I do expect access to clean towels and a halfway clean room when I pay money to stay there.  Anyway so upon arriving home I wrote an e-mail to motel 6 about how horrible my stay was and asking for at least some sort of $ compensation.  What do I get in return? a very short apology letter with no mention of any offer to make it right.  I am super pissed.  Would you keep writting them or just let it go?  The only reason I even stayed the full 3 nights was because I couldn't afford to pay to stay anywhere else on top of what I had already paid to stay there.  All of the rest of the hotels in the area were more than $100 a night and just not in my budget.  The only thing the hotel didn't have was bugs so I decided I could make do for 3 days since I knew I wasn't going to be in the room much anyway.  Part of me says just let it go and another part of me says no thats bull shit you did pay to stay there.  WWYD? and if you continued to pursue it what would your next step be? 
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  • Sorry you had a bad experience; that seems really nasty. I might try to call or contact corporate in some way, but if you're unable to contact them, I would drop it. Maybe just give them horrible reviews on TripAdvisor. You kind of get what you pay for though, although I have stayed at a $20 / night place before, and they at least had clean towels.
  • 1) I would FB the hell outta that.
    2) Once upon a time, DH and I were on a road trip. We pulled into a hotel late, and DH immediately got in the shower. Then I noticed that the place was disgustingly filthy, even pubes in the bed. I got him out of the shower, and went and asked them to clean the room. The owner accused me of being a whore. We left. The funny thing was 9 hours on road, yoga pants, and no make up did NOT exactly show me at my best. I would have been a cheap hooker at best!

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  • Did you contact the location or corporate head offices? Is it a franchise? If it's a franchise, make sure you complain to head office so they can crack down on them at least. But I'm not sure if they would really offer your $ compensation. Losing one customer of a franchise doesn't affect corporate much. But if you affected their reputation (ie. FB) they might care a little more.  


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  • I would also FB review them as well as leaving horrible reviews on the hotels web page.  Many sites like Kayak and expedia also allow you to do reviews.  I would also look into contacting the corporate offices.  I doubt you will ever see money back from them, so it could be a waste of your time.  If it would make you feel better than I say go for it though!
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