
Picking up toys. Totally Parenting related.

Yo parenting! SUP?

Ike didn't get to play outside at school today because he doesn't help pick up toys. If I want him to do it at home I have to tell him to pick up each specific thing (put cookie monster in the toy box. Pick up that red block) He has a chore chart that he doesn't quite care about. How do you get your almost 3 year olds to pick up toys?

Re: Picking up toys. Totally Parenting related.

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  • missymomissymo member
    edited September 2013
    My kid likes Barney.  He is annoying as all get out, however, one episode they had the "clean up" song.  I'm sure you have heard it.  "Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere.  Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share."  So now we sing that, and I also say, "What would Barney say about you not cleaning up?"  Lol.  Surprisingly, it works.  She doesn't want to piss off the purple dinosaur, I guess.  

    C is 3 years old

  • I tell them it's a game. 

    Alternately, I tell them that whoever is done first gets first dibs on the bath toys.  



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • I love Ike.  



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • Toys left on the floor after clean up time become mommy's for a week. I'm mean.

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  • Also, I told him I was going to tell the internet that he doesn't pick up his toys and he was not impressed. "Nooooooo don't tell the internet that I don't pick up toys"
    Hello Ike. This is the internet. We want you to pick up your toys.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • Unfortunately I wish I could spread my daughter around. She is compulsively neat--and hates losing any of her toys, so she has no problem cleaning up. Many times if she is quiet and I go to check on her, I have caught her "wiping/dusting" her toys. LOL. I have caught her cleaning up the toy aisle at Target!

    Barney DEFINITELY helped with the song. I think Daniel Tiger has a cleaning up episode too. 

    We also try to enforce 1/2 toys out at the same time. Most of her toys with the littler pieces are in the shoebox tubberware containers with a lid. So if she wants to open another one, I tell her she has to clean up. Usually because she wants the new item she has no problem cleaning up. 
    My daughter is my hero.
  • missymo said:
    My kid likes Barney.  He is annoying as all get out, however, one episode they had the "clean up" song.  I'm sure you have heard it.  "Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere.  Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share."  So now we sing that, and I also say, "What would Barney say about you not cleaning up?"  Lol.  Surprisingly, it works.  She doesn't want to piss off the purple dinosaur, I guess.  
    My kid just doesn't give a shit about anything.  Zero sense of urgency or winning.  Sticker chart?  Who cares?  I"ll buy you an ice cream if you do XYZ!  All he hears is ice cream and then melts down.  It's starting to drive me bonkers.
    That blows.  We've been having bedtime refusals for the past few weeks and instead of positive reinforcement, I've had to start taking away privileges.  I hate it, but it's been working.  Sort of.  My kid will be 3 next month, so she is able to understand why she can't watch her morning show, etc., but I'm not sure if your LO is old enough for that yet.  

    C is 3 years old

  •  I had this problem when my son was 3/4 too. 

    Garbage bag... my son saw that black garbage bag coming and he's working overtime trying to pick up those toys quickly!

    I also have scared the crap out of him by bringing in the ShopVac... It's a race against me and that vacuum for him to pick 'em up or I suck 'em up!

    Fast forward to almost 5 yrs old now and when I tell him he's got 5 minutes before I come back and check his room, he's cleaning!
  • I had to pick them up before lunch and before bed. So if he doesn't clean up at lunch no toys the rest of the day. Or tell him that's left on the floor is trash. Don't bluff either. Ds is almost 3 and we sing the cleanup song. He is much better and listens or he knows privileges start to disappear
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  • We are counting blocks right now. He has nofear of the garbage bag. I took a whole storage container and he was pretty upset but he doesn't care anymore. It won't help at school anyways. Effing kids these days
  • Dammit. Now he is making the baby laugh.
    How can I make him stop that :x
  • She does a pick up before nap and before bed and gets a sticker for each. If she completes all 10 days with stickers she gets a prize, we're working towards going to the movies right now, she loves it. That's all I've got. C'mon, Ike! I know you wanna! 
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  • Is he allowed to watch television or movies? Taking away my daughter's television privileges is literally the most frightening thing I can do to her.  She needs her Team Umizoomi to survive, apparently.  

    C is 3 years old

  • He only watches tv when I need him too. We kust spent 45 minutes picking up blocks. The clean up song helped a bit but he gets easily distracted. I've watched him at daycare. He will put one or two things away while everyone else does the work.
  • At her age I still have to participate to really get her to do it, but she's getting better. We also have "toy jail" for when she misuses or mistreats things.


    Layne-May 6, 2013

    Callie-February 14, 2011

  • Getting marbles in her good jar is what worked for my daughter. For a minute, she even would clean her room without being asked.'s a battle (she's 5.5). I basically don't let her out of her room or let her do anything except nap (which she hates) until she cleans. Some days are easier and she's fine and positive reinforcement works, but some days she just refuses and would rather have all activities and fun things taken that's what I do. Maybe make it a game to earn marbles or something? "Want to earn two marbles? Lets out this, this, and this away" and give him bigger jobs as time goes on until he can clean himself.
  • Some 2/3 year olds still need adult help. Not saying you don't do that but at school he may do better with an adult "helper". Sounds like he's a people watcher :)
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