September 2012 Moms


Do conversations usually go like this for you?

person: "How old is your baby"

me: "Almost 1"

person: "Oh, is he walking yet?"

me: "Nope, not yet"

person: "Oh, well I'm sure he will be soon"

I know I'm extra sensitive to this, but I really feel like my kid is underachieving based on everybody's assumptions that a kid should walk at 1. I know that he's totally fine and completely normal, but I'm seriously going to punch the next person who says this. On a positive note, it's made me extra careful to not ever ask if someone's child has reached a specific milestone. I usually say something like "so what's xxx into these days"?

Re: Non-walkers

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    My nephew literally just started walking at almost 15 months. He's an average size baby, with no extra weight to carry around. He just wasn't interested.

    Mason isn't anywhere near walking. He won't even stand unassisted. I'm not worried or bothered. People just don't know. I have always, always heard that babies walk by about one so it seems like a normal question to ask.

    I'm not bothered by it. Try to just relax and trust in what you guys are saying. Every baby is different and does things on their own time.
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    JAM828 said:
    Yep. I'm really sensitive about it, because I really am starting to worry. I know some babies don't walk until later, but it just seems like everyone's LO is walking. I have one of the oldest ones, too. Sigh.
    Don't worry, there are still plenty of S12 non-walkers out there :)
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    FWIW, my aunt is a pediatric PT and she was saying a lot of new studies say it's beneficial for babies to walk after one because their bones are still so soft.

    I am sure she could get me some actual sources if I asked and anyone was interested. :)


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    I usually say something like "I'm just enjoying him being my little baby for as long as possible". 

    I had a lot of conversations like that with food too. People asking if I was worried he wasn't eating. Um, he is huge and you think I should be concerned about his eating? No.

    James Sawyer 12.3.10
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    My older two didn't walk till 15 and 17 months so, at 13.5 months, I'm not even concerned.
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    Meh, S's doc said that the true average is 13 months, and people just round down to a year.  If 13 months is average, plenty of healthy, normally developing babies walk later than that.  Her pedis don't even ask about it until the 15 month appointment, and get concerned at the 18 month one.  Babies change so much month to month that I'm not worried in the least.  I still do what I can to encourage walking/ upright movement as much as possible though.
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    Not walking or really even crawling here. I hear you on being nervous. I'm not so nervous about the non-walking, but more about the fact that she doesn't pull up or stand unassisted or cruise. But, I try to focus on the cool, maybe even "advanced" things she does do and remember that all these babies go at their own pace.

    I am also now aware that I've probably said idiotic things to pregnant women and new parents. I'm sure we're also doomed to forget and say ridiculous things to pregnant women and new moms when we're old ladies, too. ;)
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    I get that all of the time. I was a late walker myself so I'm not worried. She is also a big girl so I think that has something to do with it!!
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    No walking here either! Haven't had that convo yet, but I'm dreading Saturday's one year birthday party for my niece who started walking last week and is 3 weeks younger than DS. My grandma doesn't have a sensor on what's appropriate to say and what's not so I can't wait to hear what she says on the topic of walking.
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    Add us to the lazy over-1 babies. And yes it's annoying as crap. Especially when they see him pull up and say "any day now" and I'm all "he started that in June"
    (Formerly MamaBearKendy)
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    Honestly, who gives... unless your LO is not pulling up, creeping on things, I wound not be concerned. Let him/her explore and develop their musculature. There is such a large window for walking that "one year old" should not freak you out. You'll look back on this "milestone" and think you are a crazy woman/mom. Your LO is perfect, and you know it.
    DD1 2012. DD2 2014. #3 Due 7.1.18

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    DD isn't pulling up, crawling, or kid rolls everywhere. She also turn circles on her butt and sometimes scoots a bit like a dog that has worms. Her pedi isn't concerned yet. I get nervous thinking about it, though.
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    No walking here either. Atleast not more than 3 steps before a plop :)
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    Ummm dd isn't pulling up or cruising yet. I'm still nervous because she won't keep weight on her legs, she'd rather bounce up and down.
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    Not walking, and I have to admit having somewhat unrealistic expectations myself.  DS1 was walking right around 11 months, so I totally expected his brother to the same.  #badmom

    That said, I actually thought DS1 was an early-walker, because I thought after 1 was more typical.  It feels like more on here are walking sooner - but that's probably just perception.

    But...I'm with you on the sensitivity.  My step-sister has a little girl 1 week older than DS2 and started walking at 9 months.  I've been hearing for 3 months (from step-mom) how Aedan should be walking to "keep up with his cousin."  I hate it.

    Big Kid Jan 2010

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    kelbel527 said:

    Not walking, and I have to admit having somewhat unrealistic expectations myself.  DS1 was walking right around 11 months, so I totally expected his brother to the same.  #badmom

    That said, I actually thought DS1 was an early-walker, because I thought after 1 was more typical.  It feels like more on here are walking sooner - but that's probably just perception.

    But...I'm with you on the sensitivity.  My step-sister has a little girl 1 week older than DS2 and started walking at 9 months.  I've been hearing for 3 months (from step-mom) how Aedan should be walking to "keep up with his cousin."  I hate it.

    Yes, people talking about it who have walkers vs. people with non walkers not talking about it. Or, people "embellishing." 
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    DD walked at 14.5 months so I don't have high expectations for DS to start before that. He has been much slower to develop than she was. I don't mind him not walking. DD has enough scrapes, bumps and bruises for both of them.
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    Glad you posted this.  DD has done everything fast (except eating solids, haha), and she has a buddy who is 11 days older than her but never crawled, still isn't walking, isn't sitting up on her own etc.  Every time we get together, I ask "any new milestones?"  I hope that isn't as annoying as asking for specifics, but I'll have to watch it from now on!
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    I've posted about it before, but until recently, Penny was "mobility challenged." So cue the awkward conversations that included "walking?" "standing?" "pulling up?" "crawling?" "scooting?" Nope.

    I just spin my response to focus on the positives - Is she walking? Nope, she's much more interested in eating and having things brought to her. Is she crawling? Nope, she's figured out how to call the dog to her, so she doesn't have to.

    But yeah, you get sensitive, and it stings every time someone posts a facebook comment to the effect of "I bet she's crawling everywhere now!" Nope, nope, she's not.

    Now that she's suddenly started crawling, pulling up, cruising, and standing (in the last few weeks), I'm so excited that she's catching up that it didn't even occur to me that people think she should be walking. I wouldn't worry too much - I think there are *plenty* of non-walkers by 1.
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