
4/5. Yr old birthday activities

DS2 is turning five next week and we are having a few classmates over for a party. The kids will make their own pizza as soon as they come then I was thinking of letting them make something with this clay you can bake, but when I went to get some from the store I was really surprised by how expensive it was. I was hoping all of you might be able suggest some other fun birthday activities.


Re: 4/5. Yr old birthday activities

  • Have you thought of just making salt dough? It's practically free!

    My DD is younger (turning 3 next month), but we are having a dance party for her birthday next month. I bought these little LED finger lights and some other cheesy stuff they can rock out with.

    C is 3 years old

  • I was thinking I would use the sculpey dough and have them make and decorate an ornament type thingy and wanted it to be baked and hard before going home but the cost was much more than I thought it would be.
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  • You can paint and bake salt dough.  If that is not something you want to do, maybe have them paint a wooden ornament instead? Micheal's carries a wide variety, and I'm sure other craft stores do as well.  They are generally under $1.  

    Another idea is to paint small pumpkins to take home.   Our grocery store carries them for $1.50 each.  

    C is 3 years old

  • missymo said:

    You can paint and bake salt dough.  If that is not something you want to do, maybe have them paint a wooden ornament instead? Micheal's carries a wide variety, and I'm sure other craft stores do as well.  They are generally under $1.  

    Another idea is to paint small pumpkins to take home.   Our grocery store carries them for $1.50 each.  

    Well, this I did not know! Thank you I will go do a little research to see if this would work for us!
  • I recommend the Salt dough idea idea as well. Very cheap and easy. I made salt dough shaped horses (for a Knights & Dragons party) and let the kids paint & decorate them. 

    A friend also had decorate your own sugar cookies at her daughters bday, they went over well.

    And the pumpkin painting sounds fun too! 
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