1st Trimester

Short bout of extreme stress and now cramping - is that a problem?

vszappvszapp member
edited September 2013 in 1st Trimester

So I had about 15 minutes of serious (shaking, crying) stress this morning. My friend called me at work and said that there was a shooting on my block (where my daughter is with the nanny). For a while I didn’t know what was happening until I heard that they caught the guy and all is well (some crazy ex-husband).

I am still a bit shaky and generally feeling pretty drained, but much better. I hope this is not long enough to hurt my little peanut? I am having some mild cramping which I haven't had until right now, but maybe that’s just from all of the hormones rushing through my body? I had a MMC in June so I’m super paranoid. Anyone have any experience with this? The triage nurse at my midwife sucks so I know if I call I’ll get a useless answer.



Re: Short bout of extreme stress and now cramping - is that a problem?

  • That sucks, I'm sorry. And that's too bad your triage nurse isn't helpful... 

    Just really, really try to relax. I know it sounds easy...but I know it's not. I used to have super bad anxiety attacks. I've been over that for years, but I am still feeling a little anxious (just found out I'm preggers yesterday).

    I'm sure the baby is fine ... I'm having cramping (like I'm on my period). I'm just researching it and finding out/learning all I can about first trimester symptoms. I've heard of "Round Ligament Pain" so that's probably what I have. 

    If you are still worried, perhaps it would help to ease your mind if you DID call the triage nurse. Even if she doesn't help you, at least you called her and might feel better afterwards. 

    Best of luck to you. :-)

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • You and baby should be just fine.  The cramping is probably just because of where you are in your pregnancy.  Just relax-put your feet up, drink lots of water, take a warm bath, light some candles, snuggle your DD....you should feel much better.  If you experience extreme cramping or any bleeding, then you would want to be seen.
    ~Married my best friend 06/27/2010~ ~Miscarriage July 2010~ ~Hannah Leigh born 07/26/2011 (5 weeks early) @ 8:38am 4lbs 15oz~
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  • Thanks. I finally called and they asked me to come in. We saw the little bean and got a strong HB of 126! So welcome after a trying day and a previous MMC. I still have the cramping, but it's not as bad. Waiting to get the urine culture back, so we'll see what that holds.



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