So I had about 15 minutes of serious (shaking, crying) stress this morning. My friend called me at work and said that there was a shooting on my block (where my daughter is with the nanny). For a while I didn’t know what was happening until I heard that they caught the guy and all is well (some crazy ex-husband).
I am still a bit shaky and generally feeling pretty drained, but much better. I hope this is not long enough to hurt my little peanut? I am having some mild cramping which I haven't had until right now, but maybe that’s just from all of the hormones rushing through my body? I had a MMC in June so I’m super paranoid. Anyone have any experience with this? The triage nurse at my midwife sucks so I know if I call I’ll get a useless answer.
Re: Short bout of extreme stress and now cramping - is that a problem?