Cloth Diapering

Yeast! 20 month old pooped in her diaper prob right after I changed her.  I changed her again before bed and her whole bottom was red and I attributed it to her bring in a poopy diaper too long.  I never smelled a thing! :((  I treated her with lavender/coconut oil and put a disposable on her last night.  The general redness was gone this morning but she has dark blood red blotches now and it looks just like the yeast she had maybe 5 months ago.....  I also have a newborn in cloth and I don't want her to get it.  What do I need to do to my diapers to get them clean??  We have all kinds....BG 4.0, BG Freetime, Fuzzibunz, DiaperRite, and the newborn mostly wears Grovia Hybrids.  I am putting the newborn in a sposie too as soon as she wakes up.....
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Re: Yeast!

  • The only thing that kills yeas is bleach, also a lot of people use tea tree oil and grapefruit oil too. And make sure the tempeture of he water is really hot.
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  • I've heard people say not to bleach cloth diapers??  How do I go about bleaching?  I have a relatively new LG front loading washer.  When I open the tray, it has two sections.  Detergent on the left and the right is labeled "pre wash".  Soooo I honestly don't even know how to add bleach to this machine bc I've never done it!
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  • Mine has a bleach slot.  I just put 1/4 cup of bleach into the bleach slot.  Google the owner's manual, it'll tell you how to add the bleach.
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    We are having a yeast problem right now. I'm just about to go start the washing. I got the bleach stuff recommended in that link. Fingers crossed it works!
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