When did you feel like you were ready to be intimate again with your partner post baby? I feel having a preemie makes the situation a little different. My H's bday is in a few weeks, I will be 6+ weeks pp and our LO is on target to come home somewhere around then too from the NICU. I love my husband dearly and he has been better then words can describe to me and our LO and being intimate with him again would be so nice. Just to share that bond again...and its a free birthday gift. Lol.
I was on strict bed rest for 7 weeks leading up to delivery plus the standard 6 week pp wait, it will be will 13+ weeks. I feel ready but in the back of my head all I can think about is I am being a terrible mom to my LO for even thinking of something other then her.
How did you ladies handle this situation? Am I rushing it? Am I a bad mother for even thinking this?
Re: Sort of preemie related